Social Sentiment

What's being said about your stocks on social media? Over the past several years, social media sources like Twitter are being used more frequently to distribute company news, information, and analysis of stocks. Social media often raises awareness of news and information more quickly than traditional news sources. Can social media be another research tool to assist you in making investment decisions?

Social Sentiment is available to you as measured by the S-ScoreTM calculated by Social Market Analytics (SMA), an independent third party, based on a patented proprietary model analyzing Twitter and StockTwits messages.

S-Score is available in the Filters tool in the Highest Social Sentiment and Lowest Social Sentiment filters. You can also see S-Score in Charts by adding the Social Sentiment Indicator.

The S-Score is a normalized representation of social media sentiment over a lookback period of 20 days. The S-Score measures the deviation of changes in sentiment intensity of a given stock. The S-Score answers the question, "Is the conversation on Twitter about a particular stock significantly more positive or negative than normal?" Positive S-Scores are associated with favorable changes in market sentiment, while negative levels are associated with unfavorable changes in market sentiment.

Social Market Analytics filters the Twitter data stream using qualitative and quantitative measures to identify tweets regarding financial trading. Accounts are qualitatively filtered to confirm the source of information while individual tweets are qualitatively reviewed to confirm relevancy.

S-scores can range between -4.25 and +4.25 where scores greater than +3 would be considered extremely positive, and scores lower than -3 would be considered extremely negative. S-scores between -1 and +1 are considered to be neutral.

To learn more about how Social Market Analytics calculates the S-score, read their methodology (PDF).

Social Market Analytics, an independent information provider, applies a proprietary methodology to data from public social media sites to analyze what is being said about specific stocks. Data from social media sites is often from anonymous sources, may not be verified for accuracy or completeness, and may reflect only limited activity. Use of this information is not a substitute for investment research regarding a particular security.