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529 Recontribution Request (PDF) Recontribute a refunded distribution amount, or update the reporting on a previous recontribution, to your 529 College Savings Plan account.
529 – AZ529, Arizona´s Education Savings Plan Open an AZ529, Arizona´s Education Savings Plan—a tax-advantaged college savings plan available for U.S. residents. The plan is sponsored by the Arizona State Treasurer´s Office and is managed by Fidelity Investments. Learn more
529 – CHET College Savings Program Open a CHET College Savings Program—a tax-advantaged college savings plan open to U.S. residents. The plan is sponsored by the Connecticut Office of the Treasurer and is managed by Fidelity Investments. Learn more
529 – DE529 Education Savings Plan Open a DE529 Education Savings Plan—a tax-advantaged college savings plan available for U.S. residents. The plan is sponsored by the State of Delaware and is managed by Fidelity Investments. Learn more
529 – U. Fund College Investing Plan Open a U. Fund College Investing Plan—a tax-advantaged college savings plan available for U.S. residents. The plan is sponsored by MEFA, a nonprofit state authority that works to make higher education more accessible and affordable, and is managed by Fidelity Investments. Learn more
529 – UNIQUE College Investing Plan (NH/National) Account Application Open a UNIQUE College Investing Plan (NH/National) Account Application—a tax-advantaged college savings plan open to U.S. residents. The plan is sponsored by the State of New Hampshire and is managed by Fidelity Investments. Learn more
ABLE Account - Eligibility Recertification (PDF) Update your disability status from ineligible to eligible, temporary to permanent, or to recertify your status on your Fidelity ABLE account.
ABLE Account - Investment Instructions (PDF) Change how your future contributions are invested, make a one-time contribution, or make an exchange of the contributions and earnings currently invested in a Fidelity ABLE account.
ABLE Account - Person with Signature Authority (PSA) Maintenance (PDF) Add, remove, or replace a Person with Signature Authority (PSA) on a Fidelity ABLE account.
ABLE Additional Contribution Amount Form (PDF) Make an Additional Contribution Amount to your Fidelity ABLE Plan Account.
ABLE Savings Plan An Attainable® Savings Plan (ABLE Savings Plan), can help individuals with disabilities and their families save for their disability expenses while keeping benefits such as Supplemental Security Income and Medicaid. The plan is sponsored by MEFA and is managed by Fidelity Investments. Learn more
ABLE Successor Designated Beneficiary Form (PDF) Designate a Successor Designated Beneficiary for your ABLE account.
Account Access Rights Update who has access rights to your account information and the level of information they have.
Account Aggregation - Fidelity Managed Accounts (PDF) Combine your eligible Fidelity managed accounts within Fidelity® Wealth Services or Fidelity® Strategic Disciplines to calculate your advisory fees.
Account Authority Grant account authority to a third party or provide updated information about a third party who already holds account authority on your personal Fidelity accounts.
Account Authority – Annuities Grant account authority to a third party or provide updated information about a third party who already holds account authority on your annuity contract.
Additional Purchase – Fidelity Personal Retirement Annuity® and Fidelity Retirement Reserves® Annuity (PDF) Add additional funds to your Fidelity Personal Retirement Annuity® or Fidelity Retirement Reserves® Annuity contract through a check deposit or funds transfer.
Advisor Authorization (PDF) Grant an advisor firm limited durable power of attorney for your Fidelity Investments Life Insurance Company annuity contract. Advisor firm must be established before this form can be submitted.
Advisor Firm Setup (PDF) Establish your advisor firm and authorized advisor representatives through Fidelity Investments Life Insurance Company.
Advisor Information Request Form (PDF) Request information for the purchase of a Fidelity Investments Life Insurance Company annuity contract.
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Fidelity Brokerage Services LLC, Member NYSE, SIPC, 900 Salem Street, Smithfield, RI 02917

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