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Communication Center

The Communication Center is an online inbox that contains your service messages and secure messages from Fidelity. It also contains a history of any alerts that have been sent to you.

What is included in the Communication Center?

The Communication Center includes services messages, secure messages, and your Alerts History.

Service messages may include transaction failures and key statuses for certain transactions, along with the opportunity to perform key account management tasks. The messages are related to the accounts in your Fidelity portfolio, but may not include all of your accounts. For example, messaging on certain account types, such as workplace savings, may not be available at this time. Furthermore, some of the messages included in the message center, but not all, may have been delivered as email or another service communication channel.

Secure messages include messages that you have sent to (or received from) a Fidelity Representative after you have logged in and authenticated yourself on

Your Alerts History is an up to date record of any email alert that you have received from Fidelity, including both subscription alerts (alerts that you have elected to receive) and service notifications (messages that inform you about important updates regarding your accounts).

How long do messages remain in the Communication Center?

Service messages and secure messages expire, and are automatically deleted from the Message Center after 90 days. You can delete messages at any time.

Items in your Alerts History are available for 60 days.

What happens to my deleted messages?

Once you delete a message, you cannot retrieve it. The message may be redelivered to the message center if the item or action remains unresolved.

How do I take action?

The next step section of the message suggests the next step, which may include an action to take such as a link, phone number, or notification of an item that Fidelity is waiting for, such as signed paperwork.

What happens if I don't take action on an action item?

If you don't take action on an action item, that particular issue will remain unresolved. Deleting a message is not considered action and it may be redelivered to the message center if the item or action remains unresolved.

I'm authorized to view a particular account—why can't I view messages for this account?

The Communication Center displays messages only for the accounts you own within your portfolio. The Communication Center does not display messages for accounts you have been authorized to view.

What does the date column represent?

This is the date the message was posted in the message center. It may be different than the date that the event or transaction took place.

How can I tell when I have a new message or an urgent message?

The top right corner of the Portfolio Summary page will list how many new messages have been posted to your account since your last visit to the Communication Center and will also notify you of any urgent messages.

Where can I find other status messages about my account?

Your transaction history can be found by going to your Portfolio summary page found under the Accounts & Trade tab. Use the Select Action menu for the account you wish to view.

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