Deposit a Check by Mail

Follow these instructions to request a check to be deposited to your account.

  1. Complete the appropriate deposit or contribution form below, and enclose a printed version along with your check.

    You can also order pre-printed deposit slipsLog In Required.

  2. Write your account number and, if applicable, contribution year, in the memo field of your check.
  3. Make checks payable to:

    Deposits intended for Make payable to
    Brokerage, Cash Management and 529 accounts "Fidelity Brokerage Services LLC"
    Mutual fund accounts Fidelity fund name, such as "Fidelity Government Cash Reserves"
    Retirement accounts (all types) "Fidelity Investments"
    Annuities "Fidelity Investments Life Insurance Company"
    (New York residents: "Empire Fidelity Investments")
    Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) "Fidelity Management Trust Company" (or "FMTC"), "FBO [your name]"
  4. Mailing options

    U.S. mail

    Deposits intended for Use mailing address
    Brokerage, 529, and mutual fund accounts Fidelity Investments
    PO Box 770001
    Cincinnati, OH 45277-0003
    Self-employed 401(k) contribution remittance Fidelity Investments
    PO Box 770001
    Cincinnati, OH 45277-0003
    Non-prototype retirement account Fidelity Investments
    PO Box 770001
    Cincinnati, OH 45277-0048

    Fidelity Investments Life Insurance Company
    Annuity Service Center
    PO Box 770001
    Cincinnati, OH 45277-0050

    In New York Only:
    Empire Fidelity Investments Life Insurance Company
    Annuity Service Center
    PO Box 770001
    Cincinnati, OH 45277-0051

    Health Savings Account

    Fidelity Investments
    PO Box 770001
    Cincinnati, OH 45277-0047

    Allow five business days for U.S. mail delivery.

    Overnight/certified mail

    Deposits intended for Use mailing address
    Brokerage and mutual fund accounts (including HSAs) Fidelity Investments
    100 Crosby Parkway, KC1H
    Covington, KY 41015
    All other accounts Use same as U.S. mail address

Acceptable check types

Fidelity will accept the following types of checks:

  • Personal checks
  • Checks payable to one or more Fidelity account owners (second-party checks; see endorsement requirements below)
  • Cashier’s or bank checks
  • Certified checks
  • Federal Reserve checks
  • U.S. Treasury checks
  • Business checks

Fidelity will not accept the following types of checks:

  • Altered checks
  • Checks in a foreign currency or drawn on a foreign bank
  • Post-dated checks
  • Stale-dated checks (checks dated more than 180 days prior to receipt)
  • Unsigned checks
  • Money orders
  • Third-party checks
  • Traveler’s checks

Endorsement requirements

An endorsement may be required when depositing second-party checks.