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Using the Recently Viewed Stocks List

The Recently Viewed Stocks list keeps track of the most recent 50 securities you've evaluated or compared. You can use this list to keep track of potential buys, and you can easily purchase securities from this list when you determine that the timing is right.

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How do I add stocks to the Recently Viewed Stocks list?

When you evaluate or compare a stock, the stock's symbol, the date you first viewed the stock, and the stock's price when you first viewed it are automatically added to the Recently Viewed Stocks list. The list automatically calculates percentage gain or loss since you first viewed the security.

What information does the Recently Viewed Stocks list display?

For each stock, the Recently Viewed Stocks list displays the stock's symbol, the company name, the most recent trade price, the change in price since the previous day's close in both dollars and percent, the date you first viewed (evaluated or compared) the stock, the percentage change in the price of the security since the date you first viewed it.

Are quotes delayed in the Recently Viewed Stocks list?

To get real time quotes, you must sign the NASDAQ user agreement. Once you've signed the agreement, quotes will be in real time whenever you're logged in. If you have not signed the agreement, quotes will be delayed at least 15 minutes.

How many symbols can the Recently Viewed Stocks list contain?

The Recently Viewed Stocks list contains a rolling maximum of 50 symbols. If you view more than 50 symbols, the oldest symbols are removed from the list to make room for the new ones.

Can I add symbols from the Recently Viewed Stocks list to a watch list?

Yes. Simply check the boxes next to the symbols you'd like to add to a watch list, and select the Add To Watch List option from the Action drop-down at the bottom of the Recently Viewed Stocks list. Alternatively, select Add to Watch List from the Action drop-down next to the stock.

What other actions can I take from the Recently Viewed Stocks list?

You can perform a number of actions on stocks in the Recently Viewed Stocks list:

Why is a symbol no longer valid?

A symbol can become invalid for a number of reasons. The symbol may have changed, the security may no longer be traded, or, if it is an option, it may have expired.

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