Help Glossary
Help Contents > Watch Lists

Using the Own List

The Own list shows the securities you own, by account. You may view your positions in other accounts by choosing from the Account dropdown menu.

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How is the Own list created?

The Own list is created automatically, and is updated whenever you add or remove a position from an account.

What is watching closely?

When you watch closely, you flag a security which you may be interested in buying or selling quickly. A flag icon appears next to each closely-watched security on the Own list, and the row for that security is highlighted. By clicking the column header, you can sort the Own list so that all your closely-watched positions appear together at the top or bottom of the list.

You can set which securities to watch closely by selecting Watch Closely from a security's Action drop-down list, or by checking the boxes next to one or more securities and clicking Watch Closely at the bottom of the list.

Please note that the Watch Closely feature supports simplified self-monitoring, and has been created solely for customers' personal use. Fidelity does not proactively monitor these securities any differently than other securities in your watch lists.

What are the different Own list views?

You can switch between different Own list views using the View drop-down list:

How do I read the Most Accurate Analysts Recommendations?

The Most Accurate Analyst Recommendations table shows the number of firms that have a StarMine Accuracy Score of 68 or higher in each category of standard recommendation. Click on the number to see each firm name, StarMine Accuracy Score, recommendation and recommendation date with that current standard recommendation.

What are analyst recommendations?

Analyst recommendations are generated by professional brokerage firms and independent third-party research firms to help investors better understand the potential for a company's stock to increase or decrease in value and determine if it maybe investment-worthy by evaluating its financial conditions, business environments, management, etc.

How are the most accurate analyst calculated?

Most Accurate Analyst Recommendations are firms that have a StarMine Accuracy Score of 68 or greater.

What is a Standard Recommendation?

Standard Recommendation is provided by Investars, a third-party research firm, that collects and standardizes recommendations from over 100 firms using a five-point scale to make it easier for you to compare one firm's recommendation to another's.

Recommendations vary because they are derived using a variety of criteria that are as different and distinct as the firm performing the analysis. For example, one firm's recommendation of Strong Buy may be the equivalent to another's recommendation of Overweight; that is why provides access to both the firm recommendation and a standard recommendation from Investars.

What is Investars?

Investars was founded in 1999 to provide investors with the tools to measure the value of research. Investars is owned and operated by Netologic Inc. a privately held company. Fidelity displays stock recommendations (buy to sell) collected and standardized by Investars. Investars is an independent company not affiliated with Fidelity Investments.

How do I see more details on the most accurate analyst recommendations?

Click on the number to see each firm name, StarMine Accuracy Score, recommendation and recommendation date with that current standard recommendation.

How do I see all the analyst recommendations for the stock?

Click the "See All Recommendations" link to go to the Analyst Opinions Stock Recommendations page to see all available analyst opinions for that stock.

What are notes?

You can add notes of up to 100 characters to each symbol in a watch list. A note can be any text you define — for example, a reminder to yourself, or any information about a stock that's important to you.

How do I add notes to symbols in the Own list?

To add notes to a symbol in the Own list, select Edit Note from the symbol's Action drop-down list. Enter a note of up to 100 characters, then click Save.

How do I set alerts on the Own list?

You can get alerts for securities in your Own list based on nine different price triggers. Alerts can be sent to your pager, Internet-ready personal digital assistant (PDA), Internet-ready phone, desktop e-mail, cellphone, sms (text message) or fax machine.

Before you can set alerts, you must define at least one delivery device by visiting Research > Alerts. Click Manage Your Delivery Addresses.

After setting up at least one delivery device, you can set up to nine price triggers on a security on the Price Triggers page under Research > Alerts. Available price triggers include price tripwires, percentage change, and moving averages.

For your convenience, you can set a single price trigger on a security in the Own list by selecting Set Price Alert from the security's Action drop-down list:

When you're ready, click Save.

What other actions can I take from the Own list?

You can perform a number of additional actions on securities in the Own list:

Why is a symbol no longer valid?

A symbol can become invalid for a number of reasons. The symbol may have changed, the security may no longer be traded, or, if it is an option, it may have expired.

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