Help Glossary
Help Contents > Searching for Stocks

Managing Searches

You can save up to 25 searches to rerun later. You can edit or delete your saved searches at any time.

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How do I save search criteria?

If you have created a search that you would like to run again in the future, you can save the criteria you have chosen by clicking Save Criteria at the top of the Results page. Enter a name for this set of criteria on the Save Search Criteria page, and click Save. You can save up to 25 sets of search criteria, which you can easily rerun from the Search Methods page, or rerun and manage from the Saved Searches pages.

How do I delete saved searches?

On the Saved Searches page, click Delete next to the saved search you want to delete.

How can I edit a saved search?

On the Saved Searches page, click Edit next to the saved search you want to edit to display the Enter Values page. Change the criteria or values, run the modified search, and save the new search criteria from the Results page. For more information on how to enter values and change search criteria, see Entering Criteria Values.

How do I rerun a saved search?

You can rerun a saved search on the Saved Searches page by clicking the name of the saved search in the list.

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