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Advanced Searches

Advanced searches return specific, highly targeted lists of candidate stock investments. Advanced searches let you create and run custom searches based on any combination of over 100 criteria. For example, you can search on criteria related to sector, valuation, growth, trading and volume, earnings announcements, profitability and management, technical analysis, environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors, and more. You can enter or select precise criteria values for each of your selected criteria.

Performing an Advanced Search

Chart Patterns and Technical Events

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How do I start an advanced search?

You can start an advanced search by clicking Advanced Search on the Research > Stocks home page, or click Start an Advanced Search on the Search Methods/Stock Screener page. To run the search, you select criteria, enter values for each selected criteria, and view your results.

How do I select criteria for an advanced search?

On the Advanced Search: Choose Criteria page, you select criteria by checking the box associated with each criterion you want to use. The Advanced Search: Choose Criteria page shows you all available criteria (over 100) on a single page, so you can begin a detailed search process.

Once you've selected the criteria you want, click Next at the bottom of the Advanced Search: Choose Criteria page to display the Enter Values page.

Where can I find definitions for the advanced search criteria?

Each criterion is defined in the Research glossary, which you can access by clicking the Glossary tab at the top of this Help page. Many of the definitions include tips for using the criteria.

How do I enter values for the criteria I've selected?

Once you've selected your criteria on the Advanced Search: Choose Criteria page, you select a value for each criterion using the drop-down menus on the Enter Values page. See Entering Criteria Values for complete details.

How do I change my criteria after I've selected them?

You can remove an individual criterion at any time by clicking the Remove link for that criterion, to the right of the Results column. You can add or remove criteria at any time by clicking "Add and remove criteria" at the bottom of the Criteria column. Clicking this link returns you to the Advanced Search: Choose Criteria page, with the current set of criteria selected.

You can remove criteria by unchecking their checkboxes, and you can add criteria by checking the box associated with each criterion you want to use. Once you've selected the criteria you want, click Next at the bottom of the Advanced Search: Choose Criteria page to redisplay the Enter Values page with your new set of criteria.

How do I view the search results?

Once you've selected the criteria values you want, click View Results at the bottom of the Enter Values page to display the Results page. See Working with Search Results for more information.

Can I save the criteria that I've selected for a particular search and rerun the search later?

Yes, you can save criteria once you've run your search, then rerun that search whenever you like. See Managing Searches for complete information.

How do I rerun my last search?

Rerun your last search by clicking Rerun Last Search on the Search Methods/Stock Screener page.

How do I screen for environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors?

Fidelity offers ratings from industry leaders that identify risks and opportunities by analyzing such factors as management of environmental impacts, corporate governance, employee relations and human rights. These factors can help you evaluate quality of management, reputation risk and off-balance-sheet liabilities.

ESG Advance Search Criteria:

How do I search for preferred stocks?

To search for preferred stocks, click Search for Preferred Stocks on the Research page, or Start a preferred stock search on the Search for Stocks page or the Advanced Search page. You can search for preferred stocks by any combination of various equity criteria, including Stock Price, Dividend Yield, Sector & Industry, EBITD Margin, Revenue Growth, Cash Flow Growth, Revenue, Debt to Capital Ratio, Interest Coverage, Volume, and Exchange.

What are chart patterns and technical events?

Chart patterns and technical events represent bullish and bearish conditions identified in the price action of a stock based on accepted practices of technical analysis, a type of investment research. For example, a technical event is triggered when a classic pattern (e.g., a Head and Shoulders Bottom) forms on a stock's price chart, or when a technical indicator (e.g., a Moving Average) crosses a key threshold.

Each chart pattern or technical event is interpreted automatically to indicate whether it points to a sign of bullish strength or bearish weakness for the stock, so you can quickly search for opportunities to invest or trade. Chart pattern and technical event screener searches will only include results for patterns and other events considered to be currently active. The screener does not display historical patterns considered too old or otherwise deemed no longer as useful for current trading decisions.

What is technical analysis?

Technical analysis is a method for drawing a conclusion about where a stock's price might be headed based on stock price movements and trading activity. Technical analysis is based on the premise that stock prices move in trends, and that these trends continue until something changes to affect the balance of supply and demand for the stock. These changes can be detected by analyzing prior changes, looking for recurring price trend patterns, or indicating areas of support and resistance that may influence the stock's price direction. According to the standard principles of technical analysis, these patterns identify the attitudes of buyers and sellers, and can be used to anticipate price changes for more informed investment decisions.

Where does chart pattern and technical event information come from?

Chart pattern and technical event information comes from Recognia, an independent third-party company offering proprietary chart pattern recognition technology and specializing in automating the interpretation of technical analysis.

How should I use chart patterns and technical events?

Consider the following when using chart patterns and technical events:

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