Power of attorney: How to set it up and use it

A power of attorney (POA) is a binding legal document that gives a person (known as the agent or attorney-in-fact) the ability to act on the behalf of the principal or account owner.

If you already have a Fidelity account(s), and you want to give someone full control over your account and have determined a POA is the right choice for you, you can submit your power of attorney request online.

Annuity customers, please use these forms instead.

If you’re already acting as an agent, we’ve made it easier for you to complete two common power of attorney responsibilities online:

Bill Pay

  • Add and manage Bill Pay payees
  • Submit one-time and recurring payments

Transfer money

  • Transfer money between Fidelity accounts
  • Send money to a bank
  • Send a wire out of Fidelity

Setting up power of attorney

Review what you need to either get POA for yourself or act as an agent for someone else. After you've set up power of attorney, we'll send an email confirmation for both account owner and agent requests. Processing typically takes 3–5 business days, and you’ll receive an email when it’s complete.

POA for the account owner (principal)

Review all POA-related documents with a trusted legal professional to ensure you understand the implications of granting this authority. You’ll need to print the Fidelity Durable POA form All States or Fidelity Durable POA form NY and return here to upload the completed form. If you are an annuity customer, you’ll need to use these forms.

Make sure the forms are:

  • Signed, notarized, and dated in front of a notary (for both the owner and the attorney-in-fact)
  • Signed by two witnesses

Alternately, you can ask your agent to submit the request online by certifying and uploading their legal Power of Attorney (PoA) document.

POA for the agent (attorney-in-fact)

As the person who will be acting on behalf of the account owner, you’ll need to request to be added as agent to the account by certifying and uploading the POA that granted you the authority to do so. If you have a Fidelity account, you can submit the request online, or use this Affidavit and Indemnification (PDF) form.

Why would I want to set up a power of attorney?

You may consider setting up a POA to prepare for unexpected events that could prevent you from handling your own affairs. Establishing a POA enables you to choose who acts on your behalf in case you are unable to act for yourself, whether due to illness, mental incapacity, or physical absence.

Why would I want to get a power of attorney?

You may want or need to be able to make important decisions for someone else if they become unable to do so, be it a family member or friend. You must be able to make decisions for the person who has given you this authority with an understanding of the long-term impacts and act in the principal’s best interest at all times.

Important things to know about setting up or getting a power of attorney

You must be an account owner to give an agent access to Fidelity accounts. When setting up a POA, the agent being given authority on behalf of the principal cannot sign as a witness.

If you have been named an agent and don’t have a Fidelity account, you’ll need to open your own account before you can be added.

If you are an annuity customer, you’ll need to use these forms.

Account withdrawal restrictions

For the first 30 days, the newly added agent can transfer no more than $10,000 total from the account, though exceptions can be made in certain situations. This restriction is a protective measure to help monitor withdrawals when a POA is added to an account and does not apply to the account owner. After the 30-day period, this restriction is automatically lifted from the account.

For transfers on Fidelity.com and in the mobile app, you won’t be able to make transfers until the 30-day period has passed.

Additional types of access rights