Authorize Others to Access Your Accounts

Review the access level descriptions to find the one that best suits your needs. If you've already granted access to someone, you can review the details on your Account Access RightsLog In Required page.

Select the access level to get started

Inquiry Access Learn how to grant inquiry access, which gives someone access to your account information and the right to make account inquiries.
Limited Authority Learn how to grant limited authority, which includes everything permitted with inquiry access, plus the ability to buy and sell securities, trade options, and incur margin debt.
Full Authority Learn how to grant full authority, which includes everything permitted with limited authority, plus the ability to make tax elections, withdraw and transfer funds, and initiate IRA rollovers, recharacterizations, and Roth IRA conversions for your account.
Power of Attorney (POA) Learn how to set up a POA. By naming a POA, you give another person full control over your account. A POA can do everything permitted under full authority access (with special requirements for some transactions) plus the ability to initiate certain account maintenance tasks.

Get help with account authorization decisions

Watch this brief video to learn more about the levels of account access you can grant others.

Watch now (03:04)

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