College Savings Calculators & Tools

Our tools can help you determine how much you may need to save for college and find a savings option to fit your needs.

All college savings calculators & tools

Name Description
Planning & Guidance CenterLog In Required If you're a Fidelity customer, find out how much college could cost. We'll also show you how much you may need to save and help you create a plan to get there.
College Savings CalculatorOpens in a new window Not a Fidelity customer? Don't worry—use this tool to see if you're on track to meet your college savings goals.
529 College Savings Plan ComparisonOpens in a new window Start by selecting your home state, and see how your state's options and tax advantages stack up against plans from other states.
529 State Tax Deduction CalculatorOpens in a new window Enter your expected 529 plan contribution and taxable income to calculate the tax benefits, if available, in your state.
Student Loan Calculator Learn about your options to pay back your student loans faster.
