Customer Stories

Hear our customers talk about their financial challenges and how we helped them find solutions.

Exploring Every Option

"When I retired in 2005, I worked with Fidelity to set up accounts that would work for my wife and I. She died in 2012, and I needed to move to be closer to my grandchildren. The home I had in Georgia didn't give me sufficient funds to buy into the Washington DC area. I worked with my Fidelity Rep who offered some options I wasn't aware of. That, coupled with savings from my other brokerage account, allowed me to buy a home that satisfies all the location issues. I am now enjoying frequent interaction with my son's family and the time with my grandchildren is priceless. Thank you Fidelity."

-Dudley U.

Making Sense of All Your Options

"I had been married for over 30 years, when I divorced and was suddenly in charge of several 403(b) accounts that I had through my work in different school systems. I began reading everything I could to try and educate myself about how to invest my funds. The more I read, the more I realized that I needed to be very diversified to insulate myself from market volatility. But I realized how complicated diversification really was and that even if I kept reading, I would never know as much as the professionals. So I made an appointment at a Fidelity office … So glad I made that decision!"

- Alice M.

Preparing for the Future

"I set up two accounts when my daughters were born. The oldest is now headed to college, driving a car she selected with half the money she saved and half from her Fidelity account, with money to spare! It made things so easy! My youngest daughter is a 16 year old country singer, songwriter who is now on tour and is using her Fidelity account to fund her music expenses and chase her dreams! She couldn't have done it without Fidelity!"

- Susan W.

More stories from our customers

Great service, great people
“At age 56, having years in a factory and many companies handle my 401(k), I retired …”

Making up for lost time
“My husband and I didn't start saving for our retirement until we were in our 40's. That caused us …”

Trusted help at every step
“I'm a recently retired 65 year old self-directed investor. With limited experience and even less …”

Simplifying your retirement
“I’ve been retired now for 4 years and I’m totally satisfied with Fidelity. Prior to retiring, my wife and I had our retirement accounts at multiple institutions …”

Making the most of a legacy
“After my mother died, it was very important to manage the inheritance …”

A solid plan at the right time
“I was 28 when I turned a part-time design business into my full-time career. My accountant was …”

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