When you evaluate an individual stock, the Snapshot page provides a quick but detailed thumbnail overview of many of the categories of information available in full on the other pages of the Research library.
The Snapshot page provides overviews of the following information:
Major market indexes value and change is provided at the top of the page. Quote information is delayed at least 15 minutes, unless you are logged in. The stock's current price and volume information is at the top of the page will update if you refresh the page or move to another research page.
This interactive chart, from Interactive Data Solutions, lets you see the stock’s daily price and volume over the past 6 months. You can change the time frame from 1 day to 10 years, and compare your stock to other companies, the S&P, DJIA, NASDAQ, and the stock’s industry. You can change the price display or hide the price. Chart Options let you add Earnings, Dividends, Splits and Simple Moving Averages to the chart. If logged in, you can select Advanced Chart for additional timeframes and technical indicators.
Analyst opinions are ratings recommendations and other associated content provided by third parties. Fidelity offers Analyst opinions from independent research firms to give you a wealth of professional, targeted information about the stock you are researching. Analyst opinions are intended to help investors better understand the potential for a company’s stock to increase or decrease in its value and determine if it maybe investment-worthy by evaluating its financial conditions, business environments, management, etc. Analyst opinions are provided for educational purposes only and do not constitute advice, guidance or recommendations by Fidelity.
Opinions vary because they are derived using a variety of criteria that are as different and distinct as the firm performing the analysis. Fidelity.com provides access to both the actual opinions and standardized opinions from Investars. Actual opinions are provided by the research firm, which often differ from firm to firm. For example, one firm’s opinion of Strong Buy may be the equivalent to another's opinion of Overweight. Ultimately their purpose is to provide a buy, hold, or sell opinion of the company being analyzed.
Fidelity goes one step further by offering a Relative Accuracy Score and Equity Summary Score from StarMine.
The Equity Summary Score and Sentiment is a single stock rating calculated by an independent third party, StarMine, to provide a consolidated view of the ratings from a number of independent research providers on Fidelity.com. Historically, the maximum number of providers has been between 10 and 12. However, some stocks are not rated by all research providers. Since the model uses a number of ratings to arrive at an Equity Summary Score, only stocks that have four or more firms rating them have an Equity Summary Score. StarMine uses the providers’ relative, historical, recommendation performance along with other factors to give you an aggregate, accuracy-weighted indication of the independent research firms’ stock sentiment. Learn more with Understanding and Using the Equity Summary Score Methodology (PDF).
What is the table under the Equity Summary Score?
The table shows the distribution of the independent research firms standardized opinions that are included in the Equity Summary Score for the stock. Rollover the colored bars to see the name of the firm, their StarMine Relative Accuracy Score, date and current standardized opinion.
Standardized Opinion is provided by Investars, a third-party research firm that collects and standardizes recommendations from over 100 firms using a five-point scale to make it easier for you to compare one firm’s recommendation to another’s.
An (i) after the Firm Name indicates that it is an independent firm providing independent research and derives no financial benefit from the nature of its recommendations.
Yes, click the Equity Summary Score Details and All Opinions link below the table to go to the Analyst Opinions page.
You can also click the “All Opinions” tab next to Equity Summary Score on Snapshot for an overview of the distribution of the standardized opinions of all available Analyst Opinions. Rollover the colored bars to see the firm name, their StarMine Relative Accuracy Score, date and current standardized opinion.
Company Research Highlights is a special stock report, available only from Fidelity, that gathers together important, up-to-date information from third-party research providers. Reports are updated once each business day and once over the weekend. This generated* report includes:
The S&P Compustat Company Report*, hosted exclusively by Fidelity provides nine years of historical data, financial pages with interactive trend charts, technical indicators, and five year peer comparison trend charts.
*Generated reports are built dynamically when you select them. Reports may not be available for some symbols. Select the link to check availability.
News is a chronological list of continuously updated news stories from well-known independent sources such as Reuters, CBS MarketWatch, and more. Log in for access to additional news sources such as Dow Jones Real Times News.
This section also includes company events and corporate actions, such as earnings release dates, dividends and splits.
Click More News & Events to view the complete list of news and events for this stock.
GMI Ratings publishes Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) ratings on approximately 6,000 companies worldwide to provide an independent assessment of the sustainable investment value of public companies. These ratings incorporate 150 KeyMetrics® focused on material risks to sustainability. The ESG company rating is expressed as Low Risk (Green), Average Risk (Yellow) or High Risk (Red). Similarly, an ESG industry rating serves to measure risk based on a comparison between the company's risk levels in each ESG component area relative to its industry peers. The weights used in the analysis are sensitive to regional and sector-dependent variations, creating a relative weighting structure, which is distinct from other ESG methodologies.
The GMI Accounting and Governance Risk (AGR®) Score & Rating is widely recognized as an indicator of the confidence level surrounding a company’s management and reported financials. Scores range from 0 to 100, and correspond to a risk classification for each company ranging from “Very Aggressive” to “Conservative.” The AGR Score is a percentile ranking among the approximately 8000 companies rated by Audit Integrity. Through continued back-testing, Audit Integrity has demonstrated a strong correlation between its quarterly AGR® Score and the likelihood of adverse events, including securities class action litigation, financial restatements, regulatory enforcement actions, and stock price declines. Thus, a company's AGR® Score can help investors looking to manage risk or enhance investment performance. Audit Integrity forensically analyzes the financial reporting and governance practices of over 8,000 North American-based publicly traded companies.
The Compare table provides a snapshot view of the security's fundamentals to the average of its industry, and provides its percentile rank within the industry, relative to its peers.
The Industry Average and Percentile Rank methodology is based on the daily list of U.S. equity securities in each industry to which a company belongs, as determined by Standard & Poor’s. S&P uses the Global Industry Classification Standard (GICS)SM, an industry classification system developed by S&P in collaboration with Morgan Stanley Capital International (MSCI).
A company is assigned to a single GICS sub-industry according to the definition of its principal business activity as determined by Standard & Poor’s and MSCI. Revenues are a significant factor in defining principal business activity; however, earnings analysis and market perception are also important criteria for classification.
Securities are first grouped into their respective S&P GIC Industry, null values are removed and then the percentile is computed. The percentile is the value of a variable below which a certain percent of observations fall. So the 20th percentile is the value (or score) below which 20 percent of the observations may be found. Sometimes, being in the 100th percentile is not the best for items such as Debt to Capital Ratio where a lower number means less debt. Therefore, being in the 1st percentile indicates lower debt than its peers in the industry.
The Industry Average is a market cap-weighted average of the non-null values in the industry.
To show a more meaningful average, the following data points values are removed from the universe when the value is negative to remove the outliers: Current Ratio (TTM), Income/Employee (TTM), Revenue/Employee (TTM); and Dividend Yield (TTM). While "zero" is valid for numerous items, the intent is to show the average for those that have actual results. Thus, if discussing dividends, the goal is to show that for all companies paying dividends.