Retirement roadmap

Get answers to 4 key retirement questions

How much should I save each year for retirement?

Aim to save at least 15% of your income annually—start as soon as you can.

How much do I need to save for retirement?

Fidelity's guideline: Save 10x your income by age 67.

What will my savings cover in retirement?

Plan for your savings to provide 45% of your pretax, preretirement income.

How can I make my retirement savings last?

Withdraw no more than 4% to 5% from savings yearly, with adjustments for inflation.

See how it all works together

Find out how our 4 guidelines work together to help you on your retirement journey.

Reaching your retirement savings goals starts with developing a roadmap now. That’s why we did the analysis and developed guidelines based on 4 key metrics: a yearly savings rate, a savings factor to help you see where you stand, an income replacement rate, and a potentially sustainable withdrawal rate.

All 4 metrics are interconnected. It’s important to understand how they work together and keep each in mind as you save for retirement. Each metric is described in separate articles. There are also tools to illustrate how you can customize the assumptions based on your situation.

4 rules for retirement savings

Use our tools to help you plan

Retirement saving

Estimate how much to save each year for retirement.

See how you're doing

Get your Fidelity Retirement ScoreSM—it's like a credit score for retirement.

Are you on track for retirement?

Review your retirement savings plan and see how small changes could improve your outlook.

This information is intended to be educational and is not tailored to the investment needs of any specific investor.

1. Fidelity's suggested total pretax savings goal of 15% of annual income (including employer contributions) is based on our research, which indicates that most people would need to contribute this amount from an assumed starting age of 25 through an assumed retirement age of 67 to potentially support a replacement annual income rate equal to 45% of preretirement annual income (assuming no pension income) through age 93. The income replacement target is based on the Consumer Expenditure Survey (BLS), Statistics of Income Tax Stats, IRS tax brackets, and Social Security Benefit Calculators. The 45% income replacement target (excluding Social Security and assuming no pension income) from retirement savings was found to be fairly consistent across a salary range of $50,000-$300,000, therefore the savings rate suggestions may have limited applicability if your income is outside that range. Individuals may need to save more or less than 15% depending on retirement age, desired retirement lifestyle, assets saved to date, and other factors. See footnote 2 for investment growth assumptions.

Fidelity has developed a series of salary multipliers in order to provide participants with one measure of how their current retirement savings might be compared to potential income needs in retirement. The salary multiplier suggested is based solely on your current age. In developing the series of salary multipliers corresponding to age, Fidelity assumed age-based asset allocations consistent with the equity glide path of a typical target date retirement fund, a 15% savings rate, a 1.5% constant real wage growth, a retirement age of 67 and a planning age through 93. The replacement annual income target is defined as 45% of pre-retirement annual income and assumes no pension income. This target is based on Consumer Expenditure Survey (BLS), Statistics of Income Tax Stat, IRS tax brackets and Social Security Benefit Calculators. Fidelity developed the salary multipliers through multiple market simulations based on historical market data, assuming poor market conditions to support a 90% confidence level of success.

These simulations take into account the volatility that a typical target date asset allocation might experience under different market conditions. Volatility of the stocks, bonds and short-term asset classes is based on the historical annual data from 1926 through the most recent year-end data available from Ibbotson Associates, Inc. Stocks (domestic and foreign) are represented by Ibbotson Associates SBBI S&P 500 Total Return Index, bonds are represented by Ibbotson Associates SBBI U.S. Intermediate Term Government Bonds Total Return Index, and short term are represented by Ibbotson Associates SBBI 30-day U.S. Treasury Bills Total Return Index, respectively. It is not possible to invest directly in an index. All indices include reinvestment of dividends and interest income. All calculations are purely hypothetical and a suggested salary multiplier is not a guarantee of future results; it does not reflect the return of any particular investment or take into consideration the composition of a participant’s particular account. The salary multiplier is intended only to be one source of information that may help you assess your retirement income needs. Remember, past performance is no guarantee of future results. Performance returns for actual investments will generally be reduced by fees or expenses not reflected in these hypothetical calculations. Returns also will generally be reduced by taxes.

Fidelity Brokerage Services LLC, Member NYSE, SIPC, 900 Salem Street, Smithfield, RI 02917
