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7 things you may not know about IRAs

Key takeaways

  • IRAs are available to nonworking spouses.
  • IRAs allow a "catch-up" contribution of $1,000 for those 50 and older.
  • IRAs can be established on behalf of minors with earned income.

It's the time of year when IRA contributions are on many people's minds—especially those doing their tax returns and looking for a deduction.

Chances are, there may be a few things you don't know about IRAs. Here are 7 commonly overlooked facts about IRAs.

1. A nonworking spouse can open and contribute to an IRA

A non-wage-earning spouse can save for retirement too. Provided the other spouse is working and the couple files a joint federal income tax return, the nonworking spouse can open and contribute to their own traditional or Roth IRA. This potentially doubles the amount of savings. However, if the working spouse is covered by an employer plan, the amount of the deductible contribution may be limited. 

For tax year 2024 and 2025, the annual IRA contribution limit for both Roth and traditional IRAs is $7,000 per individual—$8000 if you're age 50 or older.

The amount of your combined contributions can't be more than the taxable compensation reported on your joint return.

2. Even if you don't qualify for tax-deductible contributions, you can still have an IRA

If you're covered by a retirement savings plan at work—like a 401(k) or 403(b)—and your modified adjusted gross income (MAGI) exceeds applicable income limits, your contribution to a traditional IRA might not be tax-deductible.1 However, getting a current-year tax deduction isn't the only benefit of having an IRA. Non-deductible IRA contributions still offer the potential for your money to grow tax-deferred until the time of withdrawal. You also have the option of converting those non-deductible contributions to a Roth IRA (see fact number 7 below). However, note that non-deductible IRA contributions will require additional recordkeeping and reporting to the IRS each year.

3. Alimony does not count as taxable compensation to the recipient

Due to changes in the law introduced by the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017: Alimony payments from agreements entered into January 1, 2019 or after, are no longer considered taxable income to the recipient. As such, one could not make IRA contributions based on alimony payments from agreements starting or altered as of January 1, 2019. Alimony agreements entered into prior to December 31, 2018 are exempted; they are tax-deductible for the person making the payments, and count as income to the recipient. It is the date of the agreement that decides the taxation of the alimony payment; not the year of receipt of the funds.

4. Self-employed or freelancer? Save even more with a SEP IRA

If you are self-employed or have income from freelancing, you can open a Simplified Employee Pension plan—more commonly known as a SEP IRA. Even if you have a full-time job as an employee, if you earn money freelancing or running a small business on the side, you could take advantage of the potential tax benefits of a SEP IRA. The SEP IRA is different from a traditional IRA where contributions may be tax-deductible to the small business, not necessarily the individual —the SEP IRA has a much higher contribution limit. The amount you, as the employer, can put in varies based on your earned income.

Self-employed people can contribute up to 25%2 of eligible compensation to their own account. However, this does not apply to everyone. Please refer to the Deduction Worksheet for Self-Employed in IRS Publication 560 to determine your contribution limit. The deadline to set up the account is the tax deadline. However, if you get an extension for filing your tax return, you have until the end of the extension period to set up the account or deposit contributions.

Read Viewpoints on SEP IRA contribution limits for 2024 and 2025 and Saving for retirement when self-employed

5. "Catch-up" contributions can help those age 50 or older save more

For 2024 and 2025, if you're age 50 or older, you can save an additional $1,000 in a traditional or Roth IRA each year. This amount will be adjusted yearly for inflation. This is a great way to make up for any lost savings periods and make sure that you are saving the maximum amount allowable for retirement. Hypothetically, if you turn 50 this year and put an extra $1,000 into your IRA for the next 20 years, and it earns an average return of 7% a year, you could have almost $44,000 more in your account than someone who didn't take advantage of the catch-up contribution.3

6. You can open a Roth IRA for a child who has taxable earned income4

Helping a minor child fund an IRA—especially a Roth IRA—can be a great way to give them a head start on saving for retirement. That's because the longer the timeline, the greater the benefit of tax-free earnings. Although it might be nearly impossible to persuade a teenager with income from mowing lawns or babysitting to put part of it in a retirement account, gifting money to cover the contribution to a child or grandchild can be the answer—that way they have earnings that qualify them to contribute, but don't have to commit their own funds to retirement savings.

Anyone can contribute to a Roth IRA for Kids as long as the total amount doesn’t exceed the child’s taxable compensation that year. The annual contribution limit for a child's Roth IRA in 2024 and 2025 is $7,000, or their total earned income for the year, whichever is less. 

The Fidelity Roth IRA for Kids, specifically for minors, is a custodial IRA. This type of account is managed by an adult until the child reaches the appropriate age for the account to be transferred into a regular Roth IRA in their name. This age varies by state. Funds in the custodial IRA do not count toward assets when considering Expected Family Contributions for college. Remember, that once the account has been transferred, the account's new owner would be able to withdraw assets from it whenever they wished, so be sure to educate your child about the benefits of allowing it to grow over time and about the rules that govern Roth IRAs.

7. Even if you exceed the income limits, you might still be able to have a Roth IRA

Roth IRAs can be a great way to achieve tax diversification in retirement. Distributions of contributions are available anytime without tax or penalty, all qualified withdrawals are tax-free, and you aren't required to take required minimum distributions.5,6 However, some taxpayers make the mistake of thinking that a Roth IRA isn't available to them if they exceed the income limits.7 In reality, you can still establish a Roth IRA by converting a traditional IRA, regardless of your income level.

If you don't have a traditional IRA, it's not too late. It's possible to open a traditional IRA and make non-deductible contributions, which aren't restricted by income, then convert those assets to a Roth IRA. If you have no other traditional IRA assets, the only tax you'll owe is on the account earnings—if any—between the time of the contribution and the conversion.

However, if you do have any other IRAs, you'll need to pay close attention to the tax consequences. That's because of an IRS rule that calculates your tax liability based on all your traditional IRA assets, not just the after-tax contributions in a non-deductible IRA that you set up specifically to convert to a Roth. For simplicity, just think of all IRAs in your name (other than inherited IRAs) as being a single account. Since this is complicated make sure you speak with a knowledge tax advisor who can help you understand any nuances related to your specific situation.

Read Viewpoints on Answers to Roth conversion questions

Is an IRA right for you?

We can help you decide whether you might want a traditional, Roth, or rollover IRA.

More to explore

Investing involves risk, including risk of loss.

Recently enacted legislation made a number of changes to the rules regarding defined contribution, defined benefit, and/or individual retirement plans and 529 plans. Information herein may refer to or be based on certain rules in effect prior to this legislation and current rules may differ. As always, before making any decisions about your retirement planning or withdrawals, you should consult with your personal tax advisor.


For a traditional IRA, full deductibility of a 2024 contribution is available to covered individuals whose 2024 Modified Adjusted Gross Income (MAGI) is $123,000 or less (joint) and $77,000 or less (single); partial deductibility for MAGI up to $143,000 (joint) and $87,000 (single). In addition, full deductibility of a contribution is available for non-covered individuals whose spouse is covered by an employer sponsored plan for joint filers with a MAGI of $230,000 or less in 2024; and partial deductibility for MAGI up to $240,000. If neither you nor your spouse (if any) is a participant in a workplace plan, then your traditional IRA contribution is always tax deductible, regardless of your income.

For 2025, full deductibility of a contribution is available to covered individuals whose 2025 Modified Adjusted Gross Income (MAGI) is $126,000 or less (joint) and $79,000 or less (single); partial deductibility for MAGI up to $146,000 (joint) and $89,000 (single). In addition, full deductibility of a contribution is available for non-covered individuals whose spouse is covered by an employer sponsored plan for joint filers with a MAGI of $236,000 or less in 2025; and partial deductibility for MAGI up to $246,000. If neither you nor your spouse (if any) is a participant in a workplace plan, then your traditional IRA contribution is always tax deductible, regardless of your income.

2. Of net self-employment income reduced by half of self-employment tax.
3. This hypothetical example is for illustrative purposes only and is not intended to represent the performance of any security in a Fidelity IRA. The example assumes annual tax-deferred compounding in an IRA; that annual contributions are made each January 1 for 20 years; an annual "catch-up" contribution of $1,000; a hypothetical 7% annual return; and the reinvestment of income dividends and capital gains distributions. Investing in this manner does not ensure a profit or guarantee against loss. Final account balances are prior to any distributions, and taxes may be due upon distribution. Investments that have potential for a 7% annual rate of return also come with risk of loss.
4. In general, anything that can be legitimately reported as taxable income on a Form W-2 is acceptable (although the fact that the income is taxable doesn't necessarily mean that taxes are paid—the amount could be below the child's exemption). So money a child earns on a paper route is OK, but money given to him or her by his or her parents as an allowance probably isn't. Money earned by a child employed in a family business may be acceptable, but documentation will be required and the amounts must be reasonable—you wouldn't be able to claim to have paid your 10-year-old $300 for one hour of sealing envelopes. Always consult with a tax advisor when in doubt.

For a distribution to be considered qualified, the 5-year aging requirement has to be satisfied, and you must be age 59½ or older or meet one of several exemptions (disability, qualified first-time home purchase, or death among them).


The change in the RMDs age requirement from 72 to 73 applies only to individuals who turn 72 on or after January 1, 2023. After you reach age 73, the IRS generally requires you to withdraw an RMD annually from your tax-advantaged retirement accounts (excluding Roth IRAs, and Roth accounts in employer retirement plan accounts starting in 2024). Please speak with your tax advisor regarding the impact of this change on future RMDs.

7. For tax year 2024, if you're single, the ability to contribute to a Roth IRA begins to phase out at MAGI of $146,000 and is completely phased out at $161,000. If you are married filing jointly, the phase-out range is $230,000 to $240,000. For 2025, if you're single, the ability to contribute to a Roth IRA begins to phase out at $150,000 and is completely phased out at $165,000. If you are married filing jointly, the phase-out range is $236,000 to $246,000.

Fidelity does not provide legal or tax advice. The information herein is general and educational in nature and should not be considered legal or tax advice. Tax laws and regulations are complex and subject to change, which can materially impact investment results. Fidelity cannot guarantee that the information herein is accurate, complete, or timely. Fidelity makes no warranties with regard to such information or results obtained by its use, and disclaims any liability arising out of your use of, or any tax position taken in reliance on, such information. Consult an attorney or tax professional regarding your specific situation.

Fidelity Brokerage Services LLC, Member NYSE, SIPC, 900 Salem Street, Smithfield, RI 02917
