Alerts overview

You can set up customized alerts via text1 or email to monitor your account for account changes, transaction activity, or to stay in touch with us to respond to fraud risks in real time. We have summarized the types of available alerts below, including account changes, transaction details, and account activations.

Account alerts

Account alerts are notifications sent via email or text message when important account activity occurs, such as a posted transaction or a payment due. You can customize these alerts and select where you would like an email or text message notification delivered. There are 16 alerts available in three categories:

We can send you an alert whenever a particular type of transaction takes place, including ATM transactions, card not present (digital or keyed in transactions), gas station purchases, international transactions, or a transaction in excess of any particular dollar value you define.

These alerts will inform you when an amount you choose is exceeded in either balance, or credit available.

These alerts will inform you whenever you have any due dates, statements available, or payment activity.

Security alerts

Security alerts are notifications sent via email or text message when your personal information or account details change.

Available security alerts:

Profile changes

We'll notify you if any changes are made to your address, email, or phone number.

Login changes

If changes are made to your ID or password or if requests for login assistance are made we'll send you a notification.

Card changes

If any new cards are activated, we'll send you a notification.

How to set up alerts

To set up Security Alerts, select the Configure alerts button at the top of this page and select the Security alerts tab

  • Ensure that the alerts drop down is set to Active and that your preferred method of communication (email, text, etc.) has been selected.
  • Unlike account alerts, you'll be enrolled in all available security alerts.

Fraud alerts and enabling text messaging

  • In order to receive two-way text message alerts to manage fraud alerts, you'll need to provide consent to receive text message alerts and provide a working mobile number. View the text messaging agreement
  • Request a one-time passcode to be sent to the email or mobile number you provided when applied to update your contact information. Please make sure that a mobile number has been entered as either your home, personal or work number, and make sure that the boxes that are titled "Stop text messages" are unchecked.
  • Once you've enabled two-way text messaging, we can then contact you by text message whenever we see activity on your account that looks suspicious. You'll be able to speak directly with our fraud experts to quickly resolve the problem.