Fidelity on Roblox

Fidelity’s entering the immersive world of Roblox with Pancake Empire Tower Tycoon—a delicious land where learning is just as fun as gaming.

Explore Pancake Empire Tower Tycoon

Fidelity is meeting the next generation where they're playing, building, and connecting with friends.

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Education meets entertainment

We set out to build a game parents actually want their kids to play. Players learn financial basics as they gather YumYums, build their pancake empire, and strategize how to spend and save their earnings.

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Learn and earn

As players learn and rise through the ranks, they can unlock limited-edition wearables for their avatars. From Pancake Masks to Royal Tippy Toppers, there’s tasty treats for all.

Don't waffle around, play Pancake Empire Tower Tycoon now!


Fidelity on Roblox

Roblox is a new and exciting platform, but it's important to remember a few things while you explore what it has to offer.

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Don't disclose personal information

Whether it's about you, your finances, or specific issues related to Fidelity, it's best to keep that to yourself.

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Join us from a wide variety of devices

Experience what Fidelity has to offer in Roblox on desktop, mobile devices, and consoles.

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We're here to help!

Should you have any questions, please contact us or visit our Fidelity Discord for more information!