There are many different analyst opinions available for stocks. How do you know which opinion to follow? One way is to review the historical recommendation performance of the independent research providers. Good news - our newest research enhancement does some of this work for you! The Equity Summary Score is a consolidated accuracy weighted indication of independent research firms' sentiment for a given stock. It is calculated by StarMine, an independent third-party, using a proprietary model based on the daily opinions of independent research firms.
There are many different analyst opinions available for stocks. How do you know which opinion to follow? One way is to review the historical recommendation performance of the independent research providers. Good news - our newest research enhancement does some of this work for you! The Equity Summary Score is a consolidated accuracy weighted indication of independent research firms' sentiment for a given stock. It is calculated by StarMine, an independent third-party, using a proprietary model based on the daily opinions of independent research firms.
Transparency is a core value and that is why Fidelity provides Research Scorecards - helping you understand and compare historical accuracy of the research providers. Our newest scorecard for the Equity Summary Score is updated monthly to provide insight into its performance and composition.
The distribution of ratings from each of the independent research firms are normalized to make them more comparable with each other. For example, some research providers may issue a large number of buy recommendations and few sell recommendations, or vice versa. StarMine adjusts for this by overweighting "scarce" ratings and underweighting "plentiful" ratings. By normalizing the distribution of ratings, the model can recognize the "scarcity value" of ratings that are infrequently given which adds additional information to the model.
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