Stock Screening-Simpler, Faster, Better

The new Common and Preferred Stock Screeners give you powerful features based on the feedback of hundreds of thousands of Fidelity customers and their years of experience with our investment screening tools.

Faster and Easier Screening

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Everything you need in one place: Access all screening functionality from a single page, including the new Quick Screens menu, expanded Expert Screening Strategies menu and your Saved Screens menu. Easier ways to select the criteria you want: Begin typing in the Criteria edit field and arrow downto see criteria that match what you’ve entered. No need to know the exact name. Or click the Select Criteria menu to browse a full list of criteria by category with the option of selecting multiple criteria at the same time. Want help getting started? The ’Learn more about using the Screener’ link provides a video introduction to the new screener functionality and abilities can help you get going.

Access to More Features

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Unique relevance scoring for securities: A score is assigned to each security based on how well it meets your criteria values. Select the ‘Enable Score Weighting’ link to adjust the score weighting to shift focus on the criteria that matter most to you. Want to know more about a criteria? Click on the “What does this mean?” question mark icon after each criteria to see a full definition. Over 140 screening criteria: With the addition of Enterprise Value, Cash increase/decrease, Total Return, Volatility, and much more, you’ll find more of the data you’ve been looking for—with most criteria available in front of the log in.

More Controls Over Your Results

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See instantaneous results: Make adjustments to your criteria and values in the Screening Criteria table quickly, and see immediately how your results in the results table below are affected. Further explore your results: Click ‘Download’ to save a Trader’s view or a Performance & Volatility view to your computer. Don’t see a security that you expected? Enter the symbol in the Company or Symbol edit field and we’ll tell you why it didn’t match your screening criteria. Choose how you view your results: Multiple preset views of your results are available in the View Selection dropdown menu, including a custom view that you can save and use again and again. Take the next step: Select one or more stocks by clicking on the Action column checkbox and choose to show only the stocks you’re interested in, make a trade, compare stocks, add to your watch list or do more research—all from right here.