Expanded ETF / ETP Research

NEW.Commission-free iShares® ETFs – We've added 5 more! That's 30 iShares ETFs you can trade with no commission or short-term trading fees. Learn more.

New tools and commentary — new trading ideas

Our redesigned ETF / ETP Research helps identify potential investments and trading ideas. Easier access to pre-defined screens,
daily commentary from experts, and an all new Market Tracker.

Improved ETF / ETP Idea Generation

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ETF Quick Screens
Predefined ETF screens let you browse by Region, Country, Sector, or Asset Class. Or you can start your own custom screen to find ETFs that match your personal criteria.
Market Tracker
See what ETFs are moving in the market with the ability to zoom in to each category and view by performance, volume and net flows.
ETF Commentary
See what independent experts have to say about these investment vehicles, with timely insights and the latest news from the world of ETFs.
Compare ETFs
Compare up to five ETFs, with the ability to focus on Basic Facts & Performance, Analyst Ratings, Technicals, and more. Or create a custom view to select the data you want to see.
ETF of the Week
Learn about the week’s Bullish and Bearish ETFs based on rankings by Sabrient, an independent research provider, and get access to detailed research reports on their selections.
Expert Strategies
Leverage the skills of leading third-party experts with predefined search strategies that you can fine tune, save, and use again later.
ETF Portfolio Builder
Build your ETF portfolio with the ability to customize, analyze, and trade a portfolio of ETFs.
Recently Viewed ETFs and ETPs
See the ETFs or ETPs you've recently researched so you can quickly view them again.

A New Map to Track the ETF / ETP Market

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Multiple Views of the Market
See what’s moving in the market by performance, volume, and net flows across various time periods.
Focus on Your Areas of Interest
Choose to narrow your focus on the market category of your choice or a specific range. Drill down and filter the market to look for ETFs in whatever range or subcategories you want.
Quote & Display Options
Customize the map to display the quote and types of ETFs you choose.
See the Results
View all the ETFs that match your criteria and range settings. Dive deeper into specific areas, start screens based on the map results, or research specific ETFs.

Fidelity's ETF Research Center and screener are for self-directed investors to help them evaluate exchange traded products (ETPs), including, but not limited to exchange traded funds (ETFs). News, commentaries, expert picks and analyst opinions, ratings and reports are provided by third-parties unaffiliated with Fidelity. All information in the Center is for informational purposes only and should not be considered investment advice or guidance, or an offer to buy or sell a particular security, or a recommendation or endorsement by Fidelity of any security or investment strategy. Fidelity does not endorse or adopt any particular investment strategy or approach to screening or evaluating ETPs. Fidelity makes no guarantees that information supplied is accurate, complete, or timely, and does not provide any warranties regarding results obtained from their use. Determine which securities are right for you based on your investment objectives, risk tolerance, financial situation and other individual factors and re-evaluate them on a periodic basis.