Always Be Trading with An Advantage
Find out how much
Fidelity's price improvement
can help you save.

Find out how much
Fidelity's price improvement
can help you save.
- 1/2
About how many stock trades do you make per year?
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Find out how much
Fidelity's price improvement
can help you save.
- 2/2
With each stock trade you make, what is the average number of shares?
Choose one.

Looks like you could save more when you have the advantage of Fidelity’s price improvement.
< BackFidelity Brokerage Services, Member NYSE, SIPC.
© 2021 FMR LLC. All rights reserved. 755172.27.0

Investing involves risk, including risk of loss.
Based on domestic U.S. equity trades executed online.
Based on data from IHS Markit for SEC Rule 605 eligible orders executed at Fidelity between January 1, 2024 and December 31, 2024. The comparison is based on an analysis of price statistics that include all SEC Rule 605 eligible market and marketable limit orders of 100-499 shares for the 100 share figure and 100–1,999 shares for the 1,000 share figure. For both the Fidelity and Industry savings per order figures used in the example, the figures are calculated by taking the average savings per share for the eligible trades within the respective order size range and multiplying each by either 100 or 1000, for consistency purposes. Fidelity's average retail order size for SEC Rule 605 eligible orders (100 -1,999 shares) and (100–9,999 shares) during this time period was 431 and 745 shares, respectively. The average retail order size for the Industry for the same shares ranges and time period was 285 and 515 shares, respectively. Price improvement examples are based on averages and any price improvement amounts related to your trades will depend on the particulars of your specific trade.