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Key Statistics

This page provides key information on attributes of the Closed End Fund, such its asset type, legal structure, leverage % if applicable, sponsor, inception date, valuation & growth measures based on the underlying holdings, and, trading characteristics. The asset class median and the Closed End Funds asset class percentile is provided for some statistics.

Where can I find definitions for the terms used on these pages?

All terms are defined in the Research glossary, which you can access by clicking Help/Glossary. Some terms have a "?" next to them that can be clicked on for an explanation.

What do Asset Class Median and Asset Class Percentile mean?

The asset class median is the median of all Closed End Funds in a particular asset class. Asset classes include US Stock, International Stock, Taxable Bond, Municipal Bond, Multi-Asset, Commodity, and Alternative. Asset class percentile ranks the particular Closed End Fund among others in its asset class.
