Important Additonal Information

Are you saving enough for college?

This calculator will help you get a sense of the effect different investment returns, time horizons, and savings amounts have on a college savings plan. Use it to explore your options and try out different scenarios. The upshot: the earlier you start the better and even a little bit extra each month can make a big difference.

Are you saving enough for college?

Savings contribution

Total contribution

Total estimated investment return


Total savings

  • Scenario 1 Contribution
  • Scenario 1 Investment Return
  • Scenario 2 Contribution
  • Scenario 2 Investment Return

Scenario 1

What's your savings goal?*

Per month Total savings

How many years do you have left to save?


Choose a constant annual investment rate of return**


Scenario 2

What's your savings goal?*

Per month Total savings

How many years do you have left to save?


Choose a constant annual investment rate of return**


Important Additional

The calculator computes ending balances using client selected inputs for time horizon, savings amount, and investment return. Savings are assumed to be static for the entire time period and are compounded monthly, at the end of the month. Additionally, the calculator will solve how much monthly savings is needed to reach a static, customer provided, goal in the future. No taxes, investment risk, or investment management fees are considered in the analysis.

Fidelity Brokerage Services LLC, Member NYSE, SIPC, 900 Salem Street, Smithfield, RI 02917

(c) 2015 FMR LLC

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