Explore the full spectrum of available Fidelity Funds
Fidelity Funds cover all asset classes of mutual funds, from domestic equity to specialized sectors, so you can find the mix of funds that helps you to achieve your strategic investment goals.
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Invest with a world leader in mutual funds* and you put a global network of nearly 400 research professionals and one of the largest research departments in the industry to work for you.1 Our extensive resources allow Fidelity's fund managers to look deeply across different regions and sectors to find investment opportunities that others may miss.
Fidelity Funds cover all asset classes of mutual funds, from domestic equity to specialized sectors, so you can find the mix of funds that helps you to achieve your strategic investment goals.
Benefits of domestic equity funds
Why Fidelity domestic equity funds
Large Value
Fidelity® Blue Chip Value Fund (FBCVX)
Fidelity® Stock Selector Large-Cap Value Fund (FSLVX)
Fidelity® Value Discovery Fund (FVDFX)
Small/Mid Value
Fidelity® Low-Priced Stock Fund (FLPSX)
Fidelity® Mid-Cap Value Fund (FSMVX)
Fidelity® Value Fund (FDVLX)
Fidelity® Value Strategies Fund (FSLSX)
Fidelity® Small-Cap Value Fund (FCPVX)
Fidelity® Equity Dividend Income Fund (FEQTX)
Fidelity® Equity-Income Fund (FEQIX)
Fidelity® Growth & Income Portfolio Fund (FGRIX)
Fidelity® Dividend Growth Fund (FDGFX)
Large Blend
Fidelity® Hedged Equity Fund (FEQHX)
Fidelity® Sustainable U.S. Equity Fund (FSEBX)
Fidelity® US Low Volatility Equity Fund (FULVX)
Fidelity® Disciplined Equity Fund (FDEQX)
Fidelity® Large-Cap Stock Fund (FLCSX)
Fidelity® Mega-Cap Stock Fund (FGRTX)
Small/Mid Blend
Fidelity® Small-Cap Stock Fund (FSLCX)
Fidelity® Stock Selector Small-Cap Fund (FDSCX)
Fidelity® Small-Cap Discovery Fund (FSCRX)
Fidelity® Mid-Cap Stock Fund (FMCSX)
Fidelity® Capital Appreciation Fund (FDCAX)
Fidelity® Contrafund® (FCNTX)
Fidelity® Magellan® Fund (FMAGX)
Fidelity® New Millennium Fund (FMILX)
Large Growth
Fidelity® Blue Chip Growth Fund (FBGRX)
Fidelity® Focused Stock Fund (FTQGX)
Fidelity® Fund (FFIDX)
Fidelity® Growth Discovery Fund (FDSVX)
Fidelity® Growth Company Fund (FDGRX)
Fidelity® OTC Portfolio (FOCPX)
Fidelity® Stock Selector All Cap Fund (FDSSX)
Fidelity® Trend Fund (FTRNX)
Small/Mid Growth
Fidelity® Growth Strategies Fund (FDEGX)
Fidelity® Stock Selector Mid-Cap Fund (FSSMX)
Fidelity® Small-Cap Growth Fund (FCPGX)
Fidelity® Women's Leadership Fund (FWOMX)
Fidelity® Founders Fund (FIFNX)
Fidelity® Leveraged Company Stock Fund (FLVCX)
Benefits of international equity funds
Why Fidelity international equity funds
Core International
Fidelity ® Sustainable International Equity Fund ( FSYRX )
Fidelity ® International Capital Appreciation Fund ( FIVFX )
Fidelity ® Total International Equity Fund ( FTIEX )
Fidelity ® International Discovery Fund ( FIGRX )
Fidelity ® Diversified International Fund ( FDIVX )
Fidelity ® Overseas Fund ( FOSFX )
Fidelity ® International Growth Fund ( FIGFX )
Fidelity ® International Value Fund ( FIVLX )
Fidelity ® International Small Cap Fund ( FISMX )
Fidelity ® International Small Cap Opportunities Fund ( FSCOX )
Regional & Single Country
Fidelity ® China Region Fund ( FHKCX )
Fidelity ® Emerging Asia Fund ( FSEAX )
Fidelity ® Europe Fund ( FIEUX )
Fidelity ® Nordic Fund ( FNORX )
Fidelity ® Pacific Basin Fund ( FPBFX )
Fidelity ® Canada Fund ( FICDX )
Fidelity ® Japan Fund ( FJPNX )
Fidelity ® Japan Smaller Companies Fund ( FJSCX )
Fidelity ® Healthy Future Fund ( FAPHX )
Fidelity ® Fidelity Climate Action Fund ( FCAEX )
Fidelity ® Enduring Opportunities Fund ( FEOPX )
Fidelity ® Worldwide Fund ( FWWFX )
Fidelity ® Global Equity Income Fund ( FGILX )
Emerging Markets
Fidelity ® Sustainable Emerging Markets Equity Fund ( FSYJX )
Fidelity ® Emerging Markets Fund ( FEMKX )
Fidelity ® Emerging Markets Discovery Fund ( FEDDX )
Benefits of sector funds
Why Fidelity sector funds
Communication Services
Fidelity® Select Telecommunications Portfolio (FSTCX)
Fidelity® Select Wireless Portfolio (FWRLX)
Consumer Discretionary
Fidelity® Select Consumer Discretionary Portfolio (FSCPX)
Fidelity® Select Automotive Portfolio (FSAVX)
Fidelity® Select Leisure Portfolio (FDLSX)
Fidelity® Select Retailing Portfolio (FSRPX)
Fidelity® Select Construction & Housing Portfolio (FSHOX)
Consumer Staples
Fidelity® Select Consumer Staples Portfolio (FDFAX)
Fidelity® Select Energy Portfolio (FSENX)
Fidelity® Select Financials Portfolio (FIDSX)
Fidelity® Select Banking Portfolio (FSRBX)
Fidelity® Select Brokerage and Investment Management Portfolio (FSLBX)
Fidelity® Select FinTech Portfolio (FSVLX)
Fidelity® Select Insurance Portfolio (FSPCX)
Health Care
Fidelity® Select Health Care Portfolio (FSPHX)
Fidelity® Select Biotechnology Portfolio (FBIOX)
Fidelity® Select Health Care Services Portfolio (FSHCX)
Fidelity® Select Medical Technology and Devices Portfolio (FSMEX)
Fidelity® Select Pharmaceuticals Portfolio (FPHAX)
Fidelity® Select Industrials Portfolio (FCYIX)
Fidelity® Select Defense and Aerospace Portfolio (FSDAX)
Fidelity® Select Transportation Portfolio (FSRFX)
Information Technology
Fidelity® Select Technology Portfolio (FSPTX)
Fidelity® Select Tech Hardware Portfolio (FDCPX)
Fidelity® Select Semiconductors Portfolio (FSELX)
Fidelity® Select Enterprise Technology Services Portfolio (FBSOX)
Fidelity® Select Software and IT Services Portfolio (FSCSX)
Fidelity® Select Materials Portfolio (FSDPX)
Fidelity® Select Chemicals Portfolio (FSCHX)
Fidelity® Select Gold Portfolio (FSAGX)
Fidelity® Global Commodity Stock Fund (FFGCX)
Real Estate
Fidelity® Real Estate Investment Portfolio (FRESX)
Fidelity® Real Estate Index Fund (FSRNX)
Fidelity® Real Estate Income Fund (FRIFX)
Fidelity® International Real Estate Fund (FIREX)
Fidelity® Select Construction and Housing Portfolio (FSHOX)
Fidelity® Select Utilities Portfolio (FSUTX)
Fidelity® Telecom & Utilities Fund (FIUIX)
Thematic Investing
Fidelity® Healthy Future Fund (FAPHX)
Fidelity® Fidelity Climate Action Fund (FCAEX)
Fidelity® Environmental Bond Fund (FFEBX)
Fidelity® Infrastructure Fund (FNSTX)
Fidelity® Water Sustainability Fund (FLOWX)
Fidelity® Women’s Leadership Fund (FWOMX)
Fidelity® Environment & Alternative Energy Fund (FSLEX)
Fidelity® Agricultural Productivity Fund (FARMX)
Fidelity® Natural Resources Fund (FNARX)
Benefits of fixed income funds
Why Fidelity fixed income funds
Short Duration
Fidelity® Sustainable Low Duration Bond Fund (FAPGX)
Fidelity® Conservative Income Municipal Bond Fund (FMNDX)
Fidelity® Conservative Income Bond Fund (FCNVX)
Fidelity® Short-Term Bond Fund (FSHBX)
Fidelity® Limited Term Bond Fund (FJRLX)
Fidelity® Short Duration High Income Fund (FSAHX)
Fidelity® Limited Term Government Fund (FFXSX)
Fidelity® Limited Term Municipal Income Fund (FSTFX)
Fidelity® California Limited Term Tax-Free Bond Fund (FCSTX)
Fidelity® Floating Rate High Income Fund (FFRHX)
Fidelity® Corporate Bond Fund (FCBFX)
Fidelity® Limited Term Bond Fund (FJRLX)
Fidelity® Mortgage Securities Fund (FMSFX)
Fidelity® GNMA Fund (FGMNX)
Fidelity® Intermediate Government Income Fund (FSTGX)
Fidelity® Limited Term Government Fund (FFXSX)
Fidelity® Government Income Fund (FGOVX)
Fidelity® Sustainable Core Plus Bond Fund (FIAEX)
Fidelity® Tactical Bond Fund (FBAGX)
Fidelity® Environmental Bond Fund (FFEBX)
Fidelity® Total Bond Fund (FTBFX)
Fidelity® Strategic Income Fund (FADMX)
Fidelity® Capital & Income Fund (FAGIX)
Fidelity® Intermediate Bond (FTHRX)
Fidelity®Investment Grade Bond (FBNDX)
Fidelity® Global Credit Fund (FGBFX)
Fidelity® New Markets Income Fund (FNMIX)
High Yield
Fidelity® High Income Fund (SPHIX)
Fidelity® Short Duration High Income Fund (FSAHX)
Fidelity® Floating Rate High Income Fund (FFRHX)
Fidelity® Focused High Income Fund (FHIFX)
Fidelity® Capital & Income Fund (FAGIX)
Municipal - National
Fidelity® Municipal Core Plus Bond Fund (FMBAX)
Fidelity® Sustainable Intermediate Municipal Income Fund (FSIKX)
Fidelity® Conservative Income Municipal Bond Fund (FMNDX)
Fidelity Tax-Free Bond Fund (FTABX)
Fidelity® Municipal Income Fund (FHIGX)
Fidelity® Intermediate Municipal Income Fund (FLTMX)
Fidelity® Limited Term Municipal Income Fund (FSTFX)
Fidelity® Municipal Income 2025 Fund (FIMSX)
Municipal – State
Fidelity Arizona Municipal Income Fund (FSAZX)
Fidelity® California Limited Term Tax-Free Bond Fund (FCSTX)
Fidelity® California Municipal Income Fund (FCTFX)
Fidelity® Connecticut Municipal Income Fund (FICNX)
Fidelity® Massachusetts Municipal Income Fund (FDMMX)
Fidelity Maryland Municipal Income Fund (SMDMX)
Fidelity® Michigan Municipal Income Fund (FMHTX)
Fidelity® Minnesota Municipal Income Fund (FIMIX)
Fidelity® New Jersey Municipal Income Fund (FNJHX)
Fidelity® New York Municipal Income Fund (FTFMX)
Fidelity® Ohio Municipal Income Fund (FOHFX)
Fidelity® Pennsylvania Municipal Income Fund (FPXTX)
Benefits of asset allocation funds
Why Fidelity asset allocation funds
Target Date
Fidelity Freedom® Income Fund (FFFAX)
Fidelity Freedom® 2010 Fund (FFFCX)
Fidelity Freedom® 2015 Fund (FFVFX)
Fidelity Freedom® 2020 Fund (FFFDX)
Fidelity Freedom® 2025 Fund (FFTWX)
Fidelity Freedom® 2030 Fund (FFFEX)
Fidelity Freedom® 2035 Fund (FFTHX)
Fidelity Freedom® 2040 Fund (FFFFX)
Fidelity Freedom® 2045 Fund (FFFGX)
Fidelity Freedom® 2050 Fund (FFFHX)
Fidelity Freedom® 2055 Fund (FDEEX)
Fidelity Freedom® 2060 Fund (FDKVX)
Fidelity Freedom® 2065 Fund (FFSFX)
NEW Fidelity Freedom® 2070 Fund (FRBDX)
Target Date Index
Fidelity Freedom® Index Income Investor (FIKFX)
Fidelity Freedom® Index 2010 Investor (FKIFX)
Fidelity Freedom® Index 2015 Investor (FLIFX)
Fidelity Freedom® Index 2020 Investor (FPIFX)
Fidelity Freedom® Index 2025 Investor (FQIFX)
Fidelity Freedom® Index 2030 Investor (FXIFX)
Fidelity Freedom® Index 2035 Investor (FIHFX)
Fidelity Freedom® Index 2040 Investor (FBIFX)
Fidelity Freedom® Index 2045 Investor (FIOFX)
Fidelity Freedom® Index 2050 Investor (FIPFX)
Fidelity Freedom® Index 2055 Investor (FDEWX)
Fidelity Freedom® Index 2060 Investor (FDKLX)
Fidelity Freedom® Index 2065 Investor (FFIJX)
NEW Fidelity Freedom® Index 2070 Investor (FRBVX)
Target Date Blend
Fidelity Freedom® Blend Income (FHBZX)
Fidelity Freedom® Blend 2010 (FHAYX)
Fidelity Freedom® Blend 2015 (FHAWX)
Fidelity Freedom® Blend 2020 (FHAVX)
Fidelity Freedom® Blend 2025 (FHAUX)
Fidelity Freedom® Blend 2030 (FHATX)
Fidelity Freedom® Blend 2035 (FHASX)
Fidelity Freedom® Blend 2040 (FHARX)
Fidelity Freedom® Blend 2045 (FHAQX)
Fidelity Freedom® Blend 2050 (FHAPX)
Fidelity Freedom® Blend 2055 (FHAOX)
Fidelity Freedom® Blend 2060 (FHANX)
Fidelity Freedom® Blend 2065 (FFBSX)
NEW Fidelity Freedom® Blend 2070 (FRBYX)
Target Date Sustainable
Fidelity Sustainable Target Date Income Fund (FSUDX)
Fidelity Sustainable Target Date 2010 Fund (FSUYX)
Fidelity Sustainable Target Date 2015 Fund (FSVNX)
Fidelity Sustainable Target Date 2020 Fund (FSWDX)
Fidelity Sustainable Target Date 2025 Fund (FSWOX)
Fidelity Sustainable Target Date 2030 Fund (FSXAX)
Fidelity Sustainable Target Date 2035 Fund (FSXKX)
Fidelity Sustainable Target Date 2040 Fund (FSXVX)
Fidelity Sustainable Target Date 2045 Fund (FSYHX)
Fidelity Sustainable Target Date 2050 Fund (FSYWX)
Fidelity Sustainable Target Date 2055 Fund (FSZHX)
Fidelity Sustainable Target Date 2060 Fund (FSZSX)
Fidelity Sustainable Target Date 2065 Fund (FTGPX)
NEW Fidelity Sustainable Target Date 2070 Fund (FRCQX)
Target Risk
Fidelity® Sustainable Multi-Asset Fund (FYMRX)
Fidelity Asset Manager® 20% (FASIX)
Fidelity Asset Manager® 30% (FTANX)
Fidelity Asset Manager® 40% (FFANX)
Fidelity Asset Manager® 50% (FASMX)
Fidelity Asset Manager® 60% (FSANX)
Fidelity Asset Manager® 70% (FASGX)
Fidelity Asset Manager® 85% (FAMRX)
Income and Real Return Strategies
Fidelity® Strategic Income Fund (FADMX)
Fidelity® Strategic Dividend & Income® Fund (FSDIX)
Fidelity® Strategic Real Return Fund (FSRRX)
Fidelity® Multi-Asset Income Fund (FMSDX)
Balanced Allocation
Fidelity® Balanced Fund (FBALX)
Fidelity® Puritan® Fund (FPURX)
HSA Funds (only available within a Fidelity Health Savings Account)
Fidelity® Health Savings Fund (FHLSX)
Fidelity® Health Savings Index Fund (FHSNX)
Managed Retirement Fund
Fidelity Managed Retirement Income Fund (FIRMX)
Fidelity Managed Retirement 2010 Fund (FIRQX)
Fidelity Managed Retirement 2015 Fund (FIRSX)
Fidelity Managed Retirement 2020 Fund (FIRVX)
Fidelity Managed Retirement 2025 Fund (FIXRX)
Fidelity Managed Retirement 2030 Fund (FMRAX)
Fidelity Managed Retirement 2035 Fund (FMRTX)
Alternative Funds
Fidelity® Risk Parity Fund (FAPSX)
Benefits of index funds
Why Fidelity index funds
Domestic Stock
Fidelity® Mid Cap Growth Index Fund (
Fidelity® Mid Cap Value Index Fund (
Fidelity® Small Cap Growth Index Fund (
Fidelity® Small Cap Value Index Fund (
Fidelity® ZERO Total Market Index Fund (FZROX)
Fidelity® ZERO Large Cap Index Fund (FNILX)
Fidelity® ZERO Extended Market Index Fund (FZIPX)
Fidelity® 500 Index Fund (
Fidelity® Extended Market Index Fund (
Fidelity® Mid Cap Index Fund (
Fidelity® Small Cap Index Fund (
Fidelity® US Sustainability Index Fund (
Fidelity® Total Market Index Fund (
Fidelity® Nasdaq® Composite Index Fund (FNCMX)
Fidelity® Large Cap Growth Index Fund (
Fidelity® Large Cap Value Index Fund (
International Stock
Fidelity® ZERO International Index Fund (FZILX)
Fidelity® International Index Fund (
Fidelity® Global ex US Index Fund (
Fidelity® Emerging Markets Index Fund (
Fidelity® International Sustainability Index Fund (
Fidelity® Total International Index Fund (
Fidelity® Real Estate Index Fund (
Fidelity® Multi-Asset Index Fund (FFNOX)
Fidelity® International Bond Index Fund (
Fidelity® Municipal Bond Index Fund (
Fidelity® US Bond Index Fund (
Fidelity® Short-Term Treasury Bond Index Fund (
Fidelity® Intermediate Treasury Bond Index Fund (
Fidelity® Long-Term Treasury Bond Index Fund (
Fidelity® Inflation-Protected Bond Index Fund (
Fidelity® Short-Term Bond Index Fund (
Fidelity® Sustainability Bond Index Fund (
Benefits of money market funds
Why Fidelity money market funds
The choices can include Government and U.S. Treasury funds, including options for your account's core position; retail prime and, for non-retirement accounts, retail municipal funds; and alternatives to retail funds for institutional investors.
Government and U.S. Treasury Money Market3
Fidelity® Government Money Market Fund (SPAXX)
Fidelity® Government Money Market Fund - Premium Class (FZCXX)
Fidelity® Government Cash Reserves (FDRXX)
Fidelity® Investments Money Market Government Portfolio - Class I (FIGXX)
Fidelity® Investments Money Market Government Portfolio - Institutional Class (FRGXX)
Fidelity® Investments Money Market Treasury Only- Class I (FSIXX)
Fidelity® Investments Money Market Treasury Only- Institutional Class (FRSXX)
Fidelity® Investments Money Market Treasury- Class I (FISXX)
Fidelity® Investments Money Market Treasury- Institutional Class (FRBXX)
Fidelity® Treasury Money Market Fund (FZFXX)
Fidelity® Treasury Only Money Market Fund (FDLXX)
State Municipal Money Market4
Retail Municipal
Fidelity® California Municipal Money Market Fund (FABXX)
Fidelity® California Municipal Money Market Fund - Premium Class (FSPXX)
Fidelity® California Municipal Money Market Fund - Institutional Class (FSBXX)
Fidelity® Massachusetts Municipal Money Market Fund (FAUXX)
Fidelity® Massachusetts Municipal Money Market Fund - Premium Class (FMSXX)
Fidelity® Massachusetts Municipal Money Market Fund - Institutional Class (FMAXX)
Fidelity® New Jersey Municipal Money Market Fund (FAYXX)
Fidelity® New Jersey Municipal Money Market Fund - Premium Class (FSJXX)
Fidelity® New Jersey Municipal Money Market Fund - Institutional Class (FSKXX)
Fidelity® New York Municipal Money Market Fund (FAWXX)
Fidelity® New York Municipal Money Market Fund - Premium Class (FSNXX)
Fidelity® New York Municipal Money Market Fund - Institutional Class (FNKXX)
National Municipal Money Market4
Retail Municipal
Fidelity® Investments Money Market Tax Exempt - Class I (FTCXX)
Fidelity® Municipal Money Market Fund (FTEXX)
Fidelity® Tax-Exempt Money Market (FMOXX)
Fidelity® Tax-Exempt Money Market Fund - Premium Class (FZEXX)
Prime Money Market
Retail Prime4
Fidelity® Investments Money Market - Money Market Portfolio - Class I (FMPXX)
Fidelity® Investments Money Market - Money Market Portfolio - Institutional Class (FNSXX)
Fidelity® Money Market Fund (SPRXX)
Fidelity® Money Market Fund - Premium Class (FZDXX)