Fidelity Smart MoneySM Playbook

How to help crisis-proof your life

Insurance boot camp

Part of any good financial plan is protecting yourself from the potentially steep costs of life’s curveballs. The financial burden that can come from a serious medical diagnosis, house fire, or car accident only magnifies the emotional toll these things can already take. That’s where insurance comes in. You pay an insurance company a monthly, quarterly, or annual premium, and they help cover costs related to your crisis, depending on the policy you have. Even if you never file a claim, you’re paying for peace of mind should an emergency hit.

6 min estimated reading time

Select one of these major types of insurance to learn what it is, how to shop for it, and how to save.

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1. "1 in 10 Adults Owe Medical Debt, With Millions Owing More Than $10,000," KFF, March 10, 2022. 2. "Americans’ Challenges with Health Care Costs," KFF, July 14, 2022.

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