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5 tips to retire 5 years early

Key takeaways

  • To create a realistic financial plan, consider all possible future expenditures.
  • Slashing spending and earning extra cash can accelerate your retirement date.
  • Capitalize on every workplace perk to further fuel your early retirement dreams.
  • A financial professional can crunch the numbers and help you determine an ideal retirement age.

Many Americans feel anxious about their retirement prospects these days: More than half of nonretired people say they don't think they will have enough money to live comfortably, according to a Gallup poll.1 That echoes findings from Fidelity's most recent Retirement Savings Assessment, which found that Americans' retirement readiness has slipped since 2020.

Despite the dour feelings, all is hardly lost. Not only are there ways to improve your retirement readiness, you may even be able to move that retirement date up by 5 years. With planning, perseverance, and maybe some tradeoffs, it's often possible.

At its core, retirement is a math problem: You have a certain amount of money to cover your expenses for a number of years. Changing one of the variables can change the outcome of the equation. In order to lengthen your retirement, you may need more money, lower expenses, or both.

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To make it happen, “You have to set up a plan,” says Ryan Viktorin, CFP®, a Fidelity Investments vice president and financial consultant.

Your plan needs to factor in everything from future income sources and health care costs to longevity. The overarching goal: “You want your assets to be here if you are still here,” Viktorin says.

Here are 5 tips to help you retire 5 years earlier.

1. Determine how much you need to save for retirement

Comparing your current expenses with future retirement expenses can help you understand how much retirement will cost. So grab a pen and some paper or turn on your computer, then write out what you expect your later years to look like, starting with your target retirement age.

“Figure out what you are going to do with your time and who you will spend it with,” says Brad Koval, director of financial solutions at Fidelity Investments. Then ask yourself: Will you spend more or less in retirement than you spend now?

The more detailed your responses, the better, as this outline will help you get a good feel for the money you’ll need to support yourself.

To help you along, here are some thought starters:

  • Where will you live? In what location and in what type of home? Will you “age in place”—remaining in your existing home—or relocate to a new community?
  • What will a regular day in your life look like in the initial years of retirement, as well as the longer term?
  • What hobbies and social activities will you participate in?
  • Will you travel? If so, how often will you take trips, and where will you go?
  • What are your plans for gift-giving to family, friends, and charitable causes?
  • If you retire before age 65, what type of health insurance will you get before Medicare kicks in? Do you plan on having long-term-care insurance?

A financial professional can give you a more thorough list of questions and help you account for all possible later-in-life expenditures.

How much do I need to save for retirement?

For a rough estimate of how much you may need to save for retirement, consider Fidelity's retirement saving factors. Generally, someone retiring at age 67 should aim to save 10 times their salary by that age. To retire at age 62, they could aim for 14 times their salary.2 Try our calculator: Get your retirement savings factors.

The retirement savings factors are based on the age you'd like to retire. Fidelity suggests saving 10 times your final income to retire at age 67. The earlier you expect to retire, the more you may need to save. Someone retiring at 62 could aim to save 14 times their final income.
Source: Fidelity Investments. For illustrative purposes only.

2. Run different scenarios to pressure-test your plan

Many elements can affect your plan, such as when you stop contributing to retirement accounts, potential market downturns, the age you take Social Security, and future health care outlays.

If you want to retire before age 60, keep in mind that, with some exceptions, you’re not eligible to take funds out of a retirement account without penalty until age 59½, notes Viktorin. (The IRS does allow some distributions called substantially equal periodic payments, aka 72(t) distributions. The amounts of your withdrawals are based on your age and account balance, and you must take them for 5 years or until you reach age 59½, whichever is longer. Consult with a tax advisor if you are considering this strategy.) So it's important to consider where your income will come from after you stop working.

After you get your ideal situation set, the moment of truth comes. Compare your potential income with your spending and evaluate how long your savings may last.

“Run the numbers to see how well your plan can support your expenses and needs,” says Klara Iskoz, vice president of retirement income solutions at Fidelity Investments. “Run it as if you’re retiring 5 years early and at later age, maybe at 64, to see how the plans would differ, with everything else being equal.”

If the numbers don’t play out how you want, you’ll need to make some adjustments. Fidelity's Planning and Guidance Center can help you test out different scenarios. In addition, most financial professionals will have sophisticated modeling tools to help you develop a plan that reflects your specific financial situation, goals, and risk tolerance.

In this hypothetical example, Enrique wants to retire at age 62 instead of 67. He plans to continue saving 15% of his income pre-tax (including any employer contributions) until he retires, and has already saved $600,000. He anticipates his monthly expenses of $5,760 will stay about the same in retirement. He may need to save a little more, work a little longer, or reduce his spending (or a bit of all 3) in order to retire a full 5 years early.

Based on a model of his plan, if he makes no changes, Enrique may have $5,083 in after-tax monthly income at age 62 including Social Security benefits and withdrawals from savings. With no changes, he can easily afford to retire at 64, when he may have $5,801. If he waits until 67, he may have $7,192 of monthly income.
Source: Fidelity Investments. For illustrative purposes only. For methodology, see footnote 3.

3. Rein in spending and try to save more

If you feel like you could be a little more disciplined with spending, it can make sense to build up that skill well before retirement. Spending less now can also help you save more for the future. During inflationary times, that is sometimes easier said than done.

The key to success? “Budgeting, budgeting, budgeting,” says Iskoz. “You have to create a very detailed budget and see where you can cut things out.”

Reviewing recent credit card and bank account statements is an easy way to get started. Scrutinize non-essential spending to determine where you can save money. Two prime candidates: restaurant food and streaming services.

Then you can go even further by reducing home energy costs, opting for more-affordable vacations, and looking for less expensive home, auto, and other insurance. To reap even bigger savings, sell a second car—which will bring in cash while eliminating gas, insurance, and maintenance outlays for that vehicle—and consider downsizing your home or moving to an area with a lower cost of living.

4. Earn extra income to close any savings shortfalls

There are more ways than ever to create an extra income stream, from side hustles and seasonal work to selling goods online and renting out a spare room.

The additional cash can help you meet your savings goals—and your side job may be something you're able to continue doing after retiring from your full-time job if you want to or need the extra money. It could be an opportunity to spend time doing something you love or find meaningful.

Are you an animal lover? Pet sitting could be for you. If crocheting is more your thing, you can sell hats, scarves, and mittens through an online platform or at in-person craft fairs. And if hospitality comes to you naturally, listing an extra room on a home-rental platform could be an option.

“Think creatively,” says Viktorin. For instance, a ski-loving client of hers took a job at a local ski area while a gardener client got work at a nursery. “The nice thing about those types of roles,” Viktorin adds, “is you can try it, and if you hate it, you can stop.”

5. Make the most of workplace benefits and invest for growth potential

Capitalize on every perk coming your way. If you have access to tax-advantaged retirement accounts like a 401(k) and a Roth 401(k), be sure to get all matching contributions from your employer. And if you have the means to do so, invest the maximum amount allowed.

In 2025, you can contribute up to $23,500 pre-tax to your 401(k). If you're at least age 50 at the end of the calendar year, you can add a catch-up contribution of $7,500 (or $11,250 if age 60–63) pre-tax.

A financial professional and tax professional can help you determine the best allocations for your money, as well as help you decide what to invest in a traditional 401(k) and a Roth 401(k) if both are available. (You’ll make traditional 401(k) contributions with pre-tax dollars, while Roth 401(k)s are funded with post-tax contributions, so earnings will grow tax-free.)

If available, consider a health savings account (HSA), which is “a great savings vehicle,” says Koval. With an HSA, contributions are tax-deductible or made with pre-tax dollars.4 The money you contribute is tax-free and any earnings come out tax-free as long as you use the funds for qualified medical expenses. Starting at age 65, the money in your HSA can be used to pay for nonqualified medical expenses, but you’ll have to pay state and federal taxes on the amount of the distribution.

And no matter what vehicle you’re using, “make sure you’re invested appropriately,” Koval adds. It’s critical to keep your financial goals and retirement time frame in mind. A financial professional can assist you in this area as well.

Keep pursuing your retirement dream

Recent years have highlighted how resilient and resourceful Americans are. Continuing to save for the future and plan for financial stability over the long term, through good times and bad, can help ensure you reach your goals. And Fidelity is here to help you make it happen.

Reduce taxes while you save

Explore the benefits of a traditional or Roth IRA.

More to explore

Fidelity does not provide legal or tax advice, and the information provided is general in nature and should not be considered legal or tax advice. Consult an attorney, tax professional, or other advisor regarding your specific legal or tax situation.

This information is intended to be educational and is not tailored to the investment needs of any specific investor.

1. Megan Brenan, "Americans' outlook for their retirement has worsened," 05/25/2023,,

Fidelity has developed a series of salary multipliers in order to provide participants with one measure of how their current retirement savings might be compared to potential income needs in retirement. The salary multiplier suggested is based solely on your current age. In developing the series of salary multipliers corresponding to age, Fidelity assumed age-based asset allocations consistent with the equity glide path of a typical target date retirement fund, a 15% savings rate, a 1.5% constant real wage growth, a retirement age of 67 and a planning age through 93. The replacement annual income target is defined as 45% of pre-retirement annual income and assumes no pension income. This target is based on Consumer Expenditure Survey (BLS), Statistics of Income Tax Stat, IRS tax brackets and Social Security Benefit Calculators. Fidelity developed the salary multipliers through multiple market simulations based on historical market data, assuming poor market conditions to support a 90% confidence level of success.

These simulations take into account the volatility that a typical target date asset allocation might experience under different market conditions. Volatility of the stocks, bonds and short-term asset classes is based on the historical annual data from 1926 through the most recent year-end data available from Ibbotson Associates, Inc. Stocks (domestic and foreign) are represented by Ibbotson Associates SBBI S&P 500 Total Return Index, bonds are represented by Ibbotson Associates SBBI U.S. Intermediate Term Government Bonds Total Return Index, and short term are represented by Ibbotson Associates SBBI 30-day U.S. Treasury Bills Total Return Index, respectively. It is not possible to invest directly in an index. All indices include reinvestment of dividends and interest income. All calculations are purely hypothetical and a suggested salary multiplier is not a guarantee of future results; it does not reflect the return of any particular investment or take into consideration the composition of a participant’s particular account. The salary multiplier is intended only to be one source of information that may help you assess your retirement income needs. Remember, past performance is no guarantee of future results. Performance returns for actual investments will generally be reduced by fees or expenses not reflected in these hypothetical calculations. Returns also will generally be reduced by taxes.

3. The illustration was created using Monte Carlo simulations to project a range of hypothetical market return scenarios. Simulations are based on a historical performance analysis of asset class returns, including a range of potential returns for each asset class, volatility, and correlation. Asset classes are represented by benchmark return data from Morningstar, Inc., not actual investments. Stocks (domestic and foreign) are represented by the S&P 500® Index from the year 1926 through 1986 and the Dow Jones US Total Market Index℠ from 1987 through the last calendar year. Bonds are represented by U.S. intermediate-term bonds from 1926 through 1975 and the Bloomberg Barclays US Aggregate Bond Index from 1976 through the last calendar year. Short-Term investments are represented by 30-day US Treasury bill rates from 1926 through the last calendar year. The illustration assumes the client was born in 1973; has a current salary of $100,000; has $600,000 saved in a Traditional 401(k); contributes a total of 15% of their income pre-tax each year including contributions from their employer to their Traditional 401(k); is invested in a balanced portfolio of 50% stocks, 40% bonds, and 10% short-term investments; and has a 15% effective federal tax rate. State and local taxes are excluded. Results are presented at the 90% confidence level. The Social Security estimates were calculated by Fidelity based on data and methodology published by the Social Security Administration. The Social Security estimates assume the client worked continuously form age 22 through retirement age and that their income grew at 3.6% annually.

With respect to federal taxation only. Contributions, investment earnings, and distributions may or may not be subject to state taxation.

Views expressed are as of the date indicated, based on the information available at that time, and may change based on market or other conditions. Unless otherwise noted, the opinions provided are those of the speaker or author and not necessarily those of Fidelity Investments or its affiliates. Fidelity does not assume any duty to update any of the information.

IMPORTANT: The projections or other information generated by the Planning & Guidance Center's Retirement Analysis regarding the likelihood of various investment outcomes are hypothetical in nature, do not reflect actual investment results, and are not guarantees of future results. Your results may vary with each use and over time.

Investment decisions should be based on an individual’s own goals, time horizon, and tolerance for risk.

Investing involves risk, including risk of loss.

The information provided herein is general in nature. It is not intended, nor should it be construed, as legal or tax advice. Because the administration of an HSA is a taxpayer responsibility, you are strongly encouraged to consult your tax advisor before opening an HSA. You are also encouraged to review information available from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) for taxpayers, which can be found on the IRS website at You can find IRS Publication 969, Health Savings Accounts and Other Tax-Favored Health Plans, and IRS Publication 502, Medical and Dental Expenses, online, or you can call the IRS to request a copy of each at 800-829-3676.

Fidelity Brokerage Services LLC, Member NYSE, SIPC, 900 Salem Street, Smithfield, RI 02917
