Get started with your stock plan

Customize and manage your account.

1. Select Fidelity as your broker

If you haven't already, go to the Amazon Stock portal and select Fidelity. We'll guide you through opening and setting up a Fidelity Account® so you can easily manage your shares and other investments.

Use our step-by-step guide (PDF) to open your account.

If you would like to transfer existing assets from Morgan Stanley to Fidelity, please follow the process outlined in our step-by-step guide (PDF).

2. Customize your account

Set up electronic funds transfer
Add or update your bank information to transfer money more quickly.

Add account beneficiariesLog In Required
Choose beneficiaries to make sure your assets will be distributed how you want.

Manage your cash
Add direct deposit, billpay, ATM/debit card, and checkwriting to your account.

Download the Fidelity Mobile® app
Manage your account anytime, anywhere.

3. Manage your financial future

Consolidate your assets
Transfer prior stock plan assets and other accounts to manage in one place.

Use our Planning & Guidance Center
See how our tools can help you plan, invest, and manage your assets.

Monitor your stock planLog In Required
View balances, transactions, and other account information for your plan.

Resources to help you manage your money

Take the 5-minute financial checkup
Answer 9 questions to get a Personal Action Plan* for improving your financial wellness—including smart moves to consider for your next dollar.

Financial basics
Get tips and resources for staying on top of all of life's money matters—from paying down debt and keeping up with bills, to budgeting and saving for the future.