
We Believe it's important to focus not just on what you earn, but on what you keep.

As an investor, it's likely you’re conditioned to focus solely on returns. However, these are only part of the story. While we don't provide tax advice, as a Fidelity® Wealth Services client, we can facilitate conversations with your tax advisor while helping you better understand how taxes may be eroding those returns and impacting your long-term plan.

A focused, tax-smart approach

No one likes to pay taxes. But did you know that the average American will pay 33% of their income in taxes over the course of their lifetime, including income taxes, capital gains, state taxes, property taxes, and eventually estate taxes.1 Rather than a collection of different strategies it may make sense to create one comprehensive strategy. 

Plan for your legacy

Leaving an inheritance without an estate plan? You could be looking at estate taxes as high as 60%, depending on the size of your estate and your state of residence.2

Tax savings can add up

Wondering how much of an impact our tax-smart approach could make? A $1 million portfolio invested in 2001 could have seen an additional $602,000 in returns3 through the use of the tax-smart strategies4 we employ on behalf of our clients.

Value added from tax-smart investing3

The chart below is designed to help demonstrate how tax-smart techniques can help add value, which can compound over time.

Image demonstrates footnotes below for the time periods ending December 31,2023

For informational purposes only. Returns for individual clients will vary. In this example, we look at a group of accounts, each one with asset allocation of 42% domestic stocks, 18% international stocks, 35% bonds, and 5% short-term investments. Each set of bars represents the after-tax value of a $1 million initial investment at the end of that period, with and without tax-smart investing applied. The difference between the two bars in each case represents the additional value created by these techniques, based on our methodology and assumptions. The graph is based on the performance of a composite of accounts managed using the following strategy characteristics: Growth with Income asset allocation using tax-smart investing techniques (but not household tax-smart strategies), the total return investment approach, blended investment universe, and investing in municipal securities, and includes accounts that do and do not use separately managed account sleeves ("SMAs"). Please be aware that the value of tax-smart investing techniques would be different, perhaps significantly, for an account that is not managed using the same configuration of strategy characteristics as the composites shown above. The Growth with Income asset allocation, total return investment approach, and blended investment universe were chosen because they are the most commonly used asset allocation, investment approach, and universe in the program. Please speak with your Fidelity representative for information about the performance of other strategy characteristics available through the program, and please review footnote 5 below for important information about the methodology and assumptions used (and their related risks and limitations).

Important information about performance returns. Performance cited represents past performance. Past performance, before and after taxes, does not guarantee future results and current performance may be lower or higher than the data quoted. Investment returns and principal will fluctuate with market and economic conditions, and you may have a gain or loss when you sell your assets. Your return may differ significantly from those reported. The underlying investments held in a client's account may differ from those of the accounts included in the composite. No investment strategy or risk management technique can guarantee returns or eliminate risk in any market environment.

We have the experience, the know-how, and technology designed to help enhance after-tax returns on behalf of Fidelity® Wealth Services clients.

An opportunistic approach to tax savings

We may employ a suite of up to 8 tax-smart investing strategies4 that we can deploy on behalf of clients. And unlike some firms, who simply wait until year end to harvest losses, we're proactively looking for opportunities throughout the year. 

Asset location can enhance our approach

For clients with qualifying goals invested in Portfolio Advisory Services accounts, we're able to match an investment's tax efficiency with the way an account treats investment income, allowing us to create more tax-efficient portfolios.

Help make your estate plan tax-smart

While many investors don't consider the impact of estate taxes until it's too late to pursue strategies designed to reduce their impact, we can help you plan ahead, integrating strategies such as gifting into your long-term plan to help you create an enduring family legacy. 

Tax reporting

We can help assemble documentation for your tax professional or make an introduction to a tax expert outside of Fidelity.

If you're looking to build tax-smart strategies into your plan, a conversation with your Fidelity advisor5 is a great next step. Here's some of what we can discuss: 

Do you have a single, comprehensive approach that addresses all the taxes you could be facing?

Have you considered the impact taxes could have on your estate?

Are you saving for retirement using accounts with different tax registrations, like a traditional and a Roth IRA? Have you considered whether they’re all working together in a tax-efficient manner? 

Does the paperwork that comes with tax season create a bottleneck for you? Would having someone help you prepare for meetings with tax professionals, including providing access to the numbers, make things easier for you?

I'm ready to discuss your needs around tax planning and a range of other topics. Let's talk about your plan.​

Additional resources

Insights and perspectives

Learn more about what both Fidelity and outside professionals are saying about how to be tax smart.

Planning tools

Even if you're working with a Fidelity advisor,5 there may be some tax strategies you want to explore on your own. Our suite of tools and calculators can help you find ways to potentially complement the planning you and your Fidelity advisor do together.

Roth conversion calculator

Considering converting your tax-deferred accounts to a Roth IRA? We can help you create a cost-benefit analysis.

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Retirement strategies tax estimator (RSTE)

This tool can help you explore the impact different strategies may have on your retirement plan, including Roth conversions, charitable gifting, and targeted withdrawals.

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Charitable giving tax savings calculator

Our interactive tool can show you how charitable giving can help you save on taxes.

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Learn more

Explore Fidelity offerings designed to help reduce the impact of taxes on your investments.