Fidelity Basket Portfolios

Not your everyday basket investing

A faster, easier way to build and manage your portfolio with baskets. Build each basket with the stocks and ETFs you want, trade with one click, and manage it as one investment. More possibilities. More control.

Free 30-day trial, then $4.99/month. Cancel anytime.

Bringing your ideas to life

With the time you save, you can dig deeper into research and explore new possibilities to bring your ideas and strategies to life.

Get a sneak peek with our short video.

You're in control

Build, customize, and diversify on your terms. You select the securities, you decide the target weights, and you make changes when you want.

Faster and easier

Staying on top of your portfolio is effortless when you can manage lots of stocks and ETFs as one investment with baskets.

Be your own portfolio manager

Unlike investing in individual mutual funds and ETFs, benefit from direct ownership of your basket securities, and add and remove as you see fit.

image displays Fidelity Basket Portfolios laptop & mobile app screen
  1. Choose

    Pick the stocks and ETFs you want in your basket. Move positions you already own, choose prebuilt models from our experts, or leverage screeners and watchlists.

  2. Invest

    Take advantage of fractional shares and invest any amount you want. Set recurring investments to help reach your goals. Diversify with ease and trade your entire basket with one click.

  3. Monitor

    Track your basket like any other position in your account. Manage with a personalized dashboard, view analytics, and save time using advanced features.

Take advantage of prebuilt models developed by Fidelity experts

These models are developed using a proprietary process, and are reviewed and adjusted on an ongoing basis based on market movement.

Thematic stock models

Models follow long-term trends and themes, focusing on potential opportunities created by economic, technological, and social developments.

Sector & income stock models

Models offer targeted exposure to companies in specific segments of the economy that can help you pursue income, growth, diversification, and manage risk.

ETF model portfolios

Models offer a multi-asset class portfolio of stocks and bonds based on your risk tolerance. Choose a model with Fidelity-only ETFs or with Fidelity and iShares® ETFs.


No new account needed. No trade commissions.1 No account minimums.

Create as many basket portfolios as you'd like and invest as little as $1.00 per security. Use an existing brokerage account or open a new one to get started.

Free 30-day trial, then $4.99/month. Cancel anytime.


  • Do I need to open a new brokerage account to enroll in Fidelity Basket Portfolios?

    Fidelity Basket Portfolios are an enhancement to your existing brokerage experience and can be used with most of your current brokerage trading accounts, so you will probably not need to open a new brokerage account to enroll.

  • Which Fidelity accounts are eligible for Fidelity Basket Portfolios?

    Fidelity Basket Portfolios can be used in all of your nonretirement brokerage accounts, including HSA and cash management, just as you invest today. Traditional IRAs, Roth IRAs, and rollover IRAs are also eligible for Fidelity Basket Portfolios. Other retirement accounts (such as Inherited IRAs and Keogh accounts) are currently ineligible.

  • How do I get started with Fidelity Basket Portfolios?

    Enrolling is your first step and just takes minutes. You'll have access to all the features of Fidelity Basket Portfolios with a 30-day free trial.

    One week prior to your free trial end date, we will attempt to reach you and remind you to confirm that you have a payment method on file. At the end of your free trial, the $4.99 per month enrollment fee will then be charged monthly, unless you decide to cancel.

    Learn more with a short videoOpens in a new window

    Or learn more right here. Once enrolled:

    • Choose prebuilt models from the experts, customize if you'd like, or select stocks and ETFs to create your own basket.
    • Decide how much of each security you want in your basket, which brokerage account to invest with, and how much you'd like to invest.
    • Name your basket and place your order.
    • Want to make changes?
      • Go to your personalized dashboard, select Manage, and make your move.
      • Easily rebalance, buy, sell, edit, or rename your basket.
      • Place your trade with one click and you're done.
  • Can I move a position that I already own in my account to a basket?​

    A position that you already own in your account can be moved into a new or existing basket. A basket must hold between two and fifty positions.

  • How does the Fidelity Basket Portfolios free trial work?

    When you enroll you have full access to all the features of Fidelity Basket Portfolios for free, for 30 days. At the end of your 30-day free trial we will begin to charge $4.99/month to the payment method you provided to us for your enrollment fee. If, however, you cancel within the 30 days, you will not be charged at all.

  • What happens if I cancel my Fidelity Basket Portfolios enrollment?

    When canceling enrollment, at the end of your monthly billing period you will no longer have access to any of the features of Fidelity Basket Portfolios including editing, monitoring, and managing your models or baskets. Positions in existing baskets will appear individually in your account and may be traded as you do any other securities. Should you change your mind, you can reenroll at any time.

  • Are Fidelity Basket Portfolios for Teens the same as Fidelity Basket Portfolios?

    They are not exactly the same. Fidelity Basket Portfolios for Teens offer a subset of the functionality that Fidelity Basket Portfolios offer. Some of the baskets (models) available to adult Fidelity Basket Portfolio enrollees are available to teens in the Fidelity Youth app, but not all.

    Fidelity Basket Portfolios for Teens are an enhancement to an existing Fidelity Youth Account with no enrollment fee, no additional account fees, no account minimums, and no trade commissions for online US stocks or ETFs. The offering available to teens includes limited customization (as opposed to complete customization, available to enrollees ages 18+) and fewer prebuilt models to choose from. Learn more about Fidelity Youth® here.