About quote details

Trading & Fees

Fidelity Digital Asset Services, LLC, uses the below market data from Coin Metrics, based on select exchanges and criteria.

  • Last price

    The last price is the most recently completed trade.

  • Price change

    The price change is the dollar amount and percentage change of the cryptocurrency price over a 24-hour period starting at midnight ET.

  • Price chart

    The price chart shows price changes, patterns, and performance, across a range of timeframes. Crypto markets are open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

  • Bid x size

    The bid is the highest price a buyer is willing to pay a seller for the cryptocurrency. The size is how much cryptocurrency the market is currently willing to buy at that price.

  • Ask x size

    The ask is the lowest price a seller is willing to accept from a buyer for the cryptocurrency. The size is how much cryptocurrency the market is currently willing to sell at that price.

  • Volume

    The volume is the number of coins traded over a 24-hour period starting at midnight ET.

  • Today's range

    Today's range is the high and low price of a cryptocurrency over a 24-hour period starting at midnight ET.

  • 52-week range

    The 52-week range is the high and low price of a cryptocurrency over a 52-week period.

  • Market cap

    The market cap displays the size and value of a cryptocurrency. Market cap is calculated by multiplying the price of the cryptocurrency by its circulating supply.

  • Circulating supply

    The circulating supply is the number of coins or tokens that have been issued. Rising circulation indicates new coins or tokens are being added.

  • Trading activity

    Trading activity is the percentage of total completed buys and sells starting at midnight ET.

  • Total trades

    The total trades is the total number of buy and sell trades, starting at midnight ET.

  • Open

    The open is the cryptocurrency’s price when market trading opens at midnight ET.

  • Prev. close

    The Prev. close is the cryptocurrency’s price when market trading closes at 11:59 ET.

  • 1-year price performance

    The 1-year price change is the percentage increase or decrease in price over a 12-month period.

  • Volume change

    The volume change is the percentage increase or decrease in volume, starting at midnight ET.