critical message

Please review the highlighted section below and correct any missing information.Please review the highlighted sections below and correct any missing information.

Learn which IRA might be right for you and how much you may be able to contribute.

Do you want to know how much you may be eligible to contribute to your IRA this year and whether or not you can deduct your contribution? It may be as easy as answering these simple questions:

Why is this

Your age can impact eligibility as well as the maximum amount you're able to contribute. Eligibility for catch-up contributions is based on attaining age 50 by the end of the current year.

  • See footnote 2 in Footnotes and Important Information

Why is this

Your tax-filing status will help determine the applicable income ranges for both Roth IRA contribution eligibility and the potential for tax deductibility of a Traditional IRA contribution. This calculator does not address the Married, Filing Separately tax filing status. If you are married and filing separately, review form 1040 and its instructions available on the website. For more information, please consult your tax advisor.

critical Please select a Tax Filing Status

Why is this

If you or your spouse are covered by an employer plan such as a 401(k) or a 403(b), deductibility of contributions to a Traditional IRA may be limited. This calculator does not take that situation into account. Please see publication 590-A on for detailed information.

You are considered covered if you or your employer has contributed to a retirement plan. (e.g. 401K, SEP, Simple IRA, Pension, etc.)

critical Please select an Employer-Sponsored Plan


Why is this

AGI stands for adjusted gross income.

MAGI stands for modified adjusted gross income. Refer to Form 1040 and publication 590-A for additional information.

  • See footnote 3 in Footnotes and Important Information.

critical Your specific MAGI is needed in order to calculate a partial contribution answer or a partial deductibility answer.

IRA Contribution Calculator - Your Results

Whether or not you contribute to an employer sponsored plan, you can contribute to a Traditional IRA. You may be able to contribute to a Roth IRA if your annual income does not exceed the maximum for eligibility. The maximum combined contribution amount to both your Roth and traditional IRAs must be the lesser of either 100% of your earned income or the annual contribution limit ($7,000 if you are under 50; $8,000 if you are 50 or older).


Roth IRA Potential:

Based on the information you supplied you may
be eligible to contribute up to: 2,5


Traditional IRA Potential:

Based on the information you supplied you may
be eligible to contribute up to: 2,5

Amount that may be tax deductible: 4


If you are 70 1/2 or older within the calendar year, you will not be able to contribute to a Traditional IRA.