Deferred fixed annuitiesLock in your returns and tax benefits
Get a guaranteed rate of return, with no taxes until you withdraw1, through our selection of deferred fixed annuities2.
Pick from reputable providers through the Fidelity Insurance Network®
Competitive rates
Interest rates may be attractive compared to CDs, bonds, and other investments.
Rates are locked for a guaranteed period, no matter how the market performs.
Potential tax savings
All taxes are deferred until you withdraw1, with no IRS contribution limit.3

How it works
For an initial investment of $5,000 or more, your deferred fixed annuity can deliver peace of mind for your retirement.
Guided by a Fidelity professional, we’ll help you identify the rate you want to secure and how long you want to secure it. Together, we’ll then select an appropriate annuity from our network of reputable providers2.
You can then rest assured: You’ll know exactly how the money you invest will perform, regardless of any market volatility.
See rates for your state
How to get started
- View the available guaranteed rates for your state.
- Schedule a call with a Fidelity financial professional to open your annuity.
- During your call, we’ll compare the deferred fixed annuities available in The Fidelity Insurance Network® to help you select the one that best fits your goals.