529 distributions for qualified education expenses are generally federal income tax free. 529 assets may be used to pay for (i) qualified higher education expenses, (ii) qualified expenses for registered apprenticeship programs, (iii) up to $10,000 per taxable year per beneficiary for tuition expenses in connection with enrollment at a public, private, or religious elementary or secondary educational institution. Although such assets may come from multiple 529 accounts, the $10,000 qualified withdrawal limit will be aggregated on a per beneficiary basis. The IRS has not provided guidance to date on the methodology of allocating the $10,000 annual maximum among withdrawals from different 529 accounts, and (iv) amounts paid as principal or interest on any qualified education loan of a 529 plan designated beneficiary or a sibling of the designated beneficiary. The amount treated as a qualified expense is subject to a lifetime limit of $10,000 per individual. Although the assets may come from multiple 529 accounts, the $10,000 withdrawal limit for qualified educational loans payments will be aggregated on a per individual basis. The IRS has not provided guidance to date on the methodology of allocating the $10,000 annual maximum among withdrawals from different 529 accounts.
Any earnings on distributions not used for qualified higher educational expenses or that exceed distribution limits may be taxed as ordinary income and may be subject to a 10% federal tax penalty. Some states do not conform with federal tax law. Please check with your home state to determine if it recognizes the expanded 529 benefits afforded under federal tax law, including distributions for elementary and secondary education expenses, apprenticeship programs, and student loan repayments. You may want to consult with a tax professional before investing or making distributions.
2. Under current law, the annual gift tax exclusion amount is $19,000. Annual contributions up to $19,000 from an individual tax filer ($38,000 for married-filing-jointly) per beneficiary are not subject to the federal gift or estate tax consequences.
An accelerated transfer to a 529 plan (for a given beneficiary) of $95,000 (or $190,000 combined for spouses who gift split) will not result in federal transfer tax or use of any portion of the applicable federal transfer tax exemption and/or credit amounts if no further annual exclusion gifts and/or generation-skipping transfers to the same beneficiary are made over the five-year period and if the transfer is reported as a series of five equal annual transfers on Form 709, United States Gift (and Generation-Skipping Transfer) Tax Return. If the donor dies within the five-year period, a portion of the transferred amount will be included in the donor's estate for estate tax purposes.
4. Asset ownership can impact federal financial aid eligibility since the Student Aid Index (SAI) formula weighs student and parent assets differently. Accounts that are considered assets of the child can have a greater effect on federal financial aid eligibility.
5. The new beneficiary must be an eligible family member of the original beneficiary to avoid federal income taxes and the 10% federal penalty. A family member is a person who has one of the following relationships with the original beneficiary: (1) son or daughter; (2) stepson or stepdaughter; (3) brother, sister, stepbrother, or stepsister; (4) father, mother, or an ancestor of either; (5) stepfather or stepmother; (6) son or daughter of a brother or sister; (7) brother or sister of a father or mother; (8) son or daughter-in-law, father or mother-in-law, brother or sister-in-law; (9) spouses of the individuals listed in (1)–(8) or the spouse of the beneficiary; and (10) any first cousin. Note that a new account will be required in order to change the beneficiary.
If you or the designated beneficiary is not a New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Delaware, Arizona or Connecticut resident, you may want to consider, before investing, whether your state or the beneficiary's home state offers its residents a plan with alternate state tax advantages or other state benefits such as financial aid, scholarship funds and protection from creditors.
November 2024, Morningstar assigned analyst ratings to 59 plans, which represent more than 90% of assets invested in 529 plans. Morningstar identified 32 best-in-class plans, assigning these programs a Morningstar Medalist Ratings of Gold, Silver or Bronze. The Medalist Rating uses a scale of Gold (highest), Silver, Bronze, Neutral, and Negative (lowest). Plans were rated across four key pillars: People, Process, Price and Parent. For the full rating methodology, click here.
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Beginning January 2024, the Secure 2.0 Act of 2022 (the "Act") provides that you may transfer assets from your 529 account to a Roth IRA established for the Designated Beneficiary of a 529 account under the following conditions: (i) the 529 account must be maintained for the Designated Beneficiary for at least 15 years, (ii) the transfer amount must come from contributions made to the 529 account at least five years prior to the 529-to-Roth IRA transfer date, (iii) the Roth IRA must be established in the name of the Designated Beneficiary of the 529 account, (iv) the amount transferred to a Roth IRA is limited to the annual Roth IRA contribution limit, and (v) the aggregate amount transferred from a 529 account to a Roth IRA may not exceed $35,000 per individual. It is your responsibility to maintain adequate records and documentation on your accounts to ensure you comply with the 529-to-Roth IRA transfer requirements set forth in the Internal Revenue Code. The Internal Revenue Service (“IRS”) has not issued guidance on the 529-to-Roth IRA transfer provision in the Act but is anticipated to do so in the future. Based on forthcoming guidance, it may be necessary to change or modify some 529-to-Roth IRA transfer requirements. Please consult a financial or tax professional regarding your specific circumstances before making any investment decision.
The UNIQUE College Investing Plan, U.Fund College Investing Plan, DE529 Education Savings Plan, AZ529, Arizona's Education Savings Plan, and the Connecticut Higher Education Trust (CHET) 529 College Savings Plan - Direct Plan are offered by the state of New Hampshire, MEFA, the state of Delaware, and the state of Arizona with the Arizona State Treasurer's Office as the Plan Administrator and the Arizona State Board of Investment as Plan Trustee, and the Treasurer of the state of Connecticut respectively, and managed by Fidelity Investments.
Units of the portfolios are municipal securities and may be subject to market volatility and fluctuation.
Please carefully consider the plan's investment objectives, risks, charges, and expenses before investing. For this and other information on any 529 college savings plan managed by Fidelity, contact Fidelity for a free Fact Kit, or view one online. Read it carefully before you invest or send money.
Fidelity Brokerage Services LLC, Member NYSE, SIPC, 900 Salem Street, Smithfield, RI 02917